GoKunming Forums

Average Monthly Salary in Kunming?

mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

@AlexKMG, this is my second, and the other was work related.

Daithi (426 posts) • 0

I also dont care how many aliases mmkunmingteacher has or hasnt and indeed I take the man at his word and believe he has just the 2 as he said. Mainly I am wondering why AlexKMG feels free to make these accusations. If he has no evidence then he is just rumour mongering which is pretty low and unfair on mmkunmingteacher.

blueice (73 posts) • 0

i'm guessing alex thinks mmkmteacher is crazylaowai. if mm and crazy is one and the same then there are definitely at least 3-4 accounts...

nadbadger (3 posts) • 0

As per your request for information regarding Shane English School Yuxi.

There are two very informative and well maintained blogs about living and working in Yuxi.

One is by an American gentleman;


The other by an English couple;


Both at their respective dotcoms.

They both give a very honest, objective account of a year or so in Yuxi.

Not only that but they provide a very detailed account of living and travelling around Yunnan and South East Asia in general. They have a much wider non-Kunming centric perspective for those wanting an alternative view.

There is of course the Shane English School Yuxi website which is nothing if not pretty.

There is definitely a paucity of readily available information about Yuxi (in English). However, I suspect that for those who prefer to spend their time off the beaten track this is regarded as a plus....

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

mmkunmingteacher should just admit that he is crazy.laowai or someone will post the easy to find evidence :)

Not that it makes the slightest bit of difference how many accounts one has. The internet and forums like this are ANONYMOUS. Hell, look at my user name, anybody know who I am? Only about 4 people on this site. I aren't sure why anyone cares about the whole situation, I might have 25 accounts on here and be talking to myself filling up the forums with crud. How about just taking each post separately as they come and not being so serious? Or how about sticking to the topic?

What I would like to know is this - is the average growth rate of salaries in Kunming keeping up with the local inflation rate? Methinks it is, but only just...

Daithi (426 posts) • 0

Well by all means if someone has "some easy to find evidence" lets see it?! Until then i think its just scummy to bandy about unfounded accusations.

Daithi (426 posts) • 0

I have read them. There are one or two similarities. Thats not surprising. I dont see any evidence and nobody has provided any. So until there is I will simply take the man at his word.

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