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Average Monthly Salary in Kunming?

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

Let's see what can go wrong with "sige baozi."

Thanks to Kunminghua you get ten baozi.

You're a vegetarian so you'll end up with meat baozi.

You wanted a hearty meat filled breakfast but end up with some shredded mushroom filling.

The shop gives you four orders of four sets of the small tiny boazi for a total of 20.

After every old person cuts in front of you, they only have three left that are cooked and ready and the next batch will be done in 15min. They tell you this in Kunminghua once only.

By the way, Kunming has some of the crappiest baozi in all of China.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

"there are plenty of restaurants with menus written in pinyin, and/or in English"

Do you live in Kunming?

mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

@AlexKMG, lol have you ever really had those sorts of problems? It sounds like you live in a secretly-filmed Woody Allen movie. Seriously, if it is that difficult to order baozi, then maybe there are other (psychological) issues involved.

mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

@Dudeson's, with all due respect, I am not sure I can agree. For a single, Chinese individual to make 5000 RMB per month, is normal, and actually more than many. It is perfectly fine to live on that. Again, this just my opinion, so please do not take me the wrong way.

Daithi (426 posts) • 0

@ mmkunmingteacher I have also fallen foul of the "si4" versus "shi2" confusion. I have also ordered food several times where I very clearly stated I didnt want meat, yet indeed received meat. I have also enquired whether a particular dish contained meat and been assured it did not only to find it had chicken or congealed blood in it. And I also have routinely had old people and others skip me in a queue. I also have never seen an English version of a menu.

I like living here and dont go around with a sour face on me so I dont think its attributable to some weird psychological phenomenon at all. Its simply the reality of the situation.


mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

@Daithi, are these occasional blunders, are do you always have these problems? I cannot imagine these sorts of daily problems. Something else must be wrong.

@kingofthekerb they starve to death. No other options.

Daithi (426 posts) • 0

@ mmkunmingteacher As I said ..."several times" with regard to getting meat when I expressly said I didnt want it and "routinely" with the queue-jumping.

As to "something else must be wrong"....well I wouldnt go jumping to any profound conclusions just yet. Im surprised u cant imagine such daily problems that people might encounter when in a foreign land oftentimes not speaking any of the language at all. These kinds of mundane matters are not indicative of some serious underlying psychological defect and its not helpful to suggest they are.

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

If people don't feel like saying "sige", just raise 4 fingers up.

@Daithi, does the meat issue also occurs when you order food in other larger Chinese cities?
Also, some restaurants will have English written next to Chinese. La Gare du Sud is one if them.

mmkunmingteacher (561 posts) • 0

@Daithi, I just do not get it when foreigners claim that they have all of these horrendous problems. I just cannot fathom it. Sorry if I misunderstood you.

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