GoKunming Forums

whole meal bread and brown rice?

hslaaa (7 posts) • 0

Walmart actually has brown rice and maybe Carrefour also. Whole wheat and rye breads at the French Cafe. Green Kunming for organics and I'm seeing the Organic label used alot on some grains at both Parksons and Carrefour.

Xiefei (539 posts) • 0

hslaa is right about the bread, though I'd add 'As You Like' (check gokunming listings) to the list.

As for rice and other grains, I'd recommend a trip to one of the big street markets in town. The one on Xinwen Lu is the city's biggest, and the one behind the old West Bus Station is the second biggest. Both have grain and flour dealers with huge selections, and the markets are really worth seeing anyway. You can usually find much better produce there than at any of the big supermarkets.

mamadavid (16 posts) • 0

I'm also looking for whole grains. Is the information in these 2010 posts still valid? Anyone been to the markets recommended by Xiefei? Does Salvador's still sell brown rice and whole wheat flour?

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