GoKunming Forums

English corners in Kunming - where and when?

David (1 post) • 0

I'd like to know the time and location of any English corners here in Kunming. Can anyone help me with this?

chris (144 posts) • 0

Check out the calendar, there's plenty of English corners coming up at TCG Nordica... also I believe there's an English corner across from Green Lake Hotel at Cuihu Park on Thursday evenings...

Jakiya (5 posts) • 0

Also there's a daily free english and coffee corner down at Alphabet Langauge Academy of Zhengyi road, 4F Xin Da Xin Dept store

Leana (1 post) • 0

I am a retired teacher with the Los Angeles Unified School District in the US. My husband and I will be in Kunming on September 15th and will be staying at the Fairyland Hotel Baida on Dongfeng West Road. I would like to chat with an English speaking Chinese girl.

OceanOcean (1193 posts) • 0

Does anyone know if the English Corner at Green Lake (Thursday evenings?) still happening?

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

Yes it is...People start to congregate at around 7:30pm reaching a crescendo at around 8:15ish and then die down at about 9:30-10:00ish.

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