GoKunming Forums

Online Train Ticket Booking

automidori (5 posts) • 0

Does anyone know any other online train ticket booking besides China Highlights?

I already tried to book through China Highlights but the cost became very expensive. I asked what's included in that given price, but never got a concrete answer.

For example: Kunming - Shilin, soft seat which is 3 USD, I was charged 90 USD for 7 persons. 7 X 3 USD = 21 USD, isn't it? What's the 69 USD for? No answer.

I wanted to book many tickets. I've calculated that the total cost is 322 USD adn I was charged for 739 USD. It's rather weird that all the extra charges are more expensive than the tickets themselves. The more weird is that I ask what's include in it and don't get a concrete answer.

So does anyone know another agent? Thanks a lot!!

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