Needless to say stupidity has led me to a situation where I need to have an HIV test. I am aware that one of these checks is included in the medical done buy the Foreign health Centre but obviously I'd rather take a more low key approach. Does anyone know of any doctors/clinics who are able to test?
I believe it is recommended that you wait around six months after exposure before getting tested for HIV because it takes that long to develop antibodies to the virus, which is what they test for in an HIV test.
Usually after about a month after the infection the antibodies will be detectable in a test but not for everybody. A second test after further 2 months (3 months after the infection) should certify if you are a negative or a positive. Any test performed less than a month after an infection is likely to turn out negative even if you've contracted the virus hence is a waste of effort and money. As to where to get a test taken I believe any real hospital will do it around here and if not they can definitely refer you to someone who can. Good luck.
Regarding the antibody test most people will show antibodies after 25 days although to achieve greater accuracy it is recommended to check at 3 & 6 months. A PCR test can detect the HIV rather than the antibodies within two to three weeks. Does anyone know if Richland have english speaking doctors and if there are any Western GP's operating in Kunming?
better get the test out of China, if you are in a high risk situation, in China the doctor is required to tell the health department if they find a HIV case,,which means you will get kicked out of the country.
I wouldn't trust just about any ordinary or even famous Chinese hospital for STD test after all I've heard, read and seen, because of the high percentage of false positive results (and still relatively high percentage of false negative) and also because of hygiene concerns. Make sure they were the appropriate! gloves and all parts of the syringe are new and packaged, not recycled!
Kunming should have one hospital specially dedicated to these tests - with the highest hygiene standards and experts (maybe in combination with a department, in Chengdu it's covered as a dermatological clinic). This hospital is should be the one to double check (false) positive results of other hospitals. As I don't live in Kunming I can't tell you which one it is, but you could ask in a hospitable to tell you the address to verify a positive test.
Depending on the disease it shouldn't be more then a couple of dozens kuai. Before you take the test and after a doctor will consult you and ask you questions (why, how, blabla). Make sure to bring a Chinese speaking friend, if you yourself don't speak the language, don't count on doctors to make an effort to address you in English.
Instead of asking for an HIV test maybe you could ask for another less serious, treatable disease to avoid harassment and embarassment to locate the right clinic (only go the specialized one). Test results should be there instantly or within 24hours depending on the kind of test and disease and lunch breaks:)
If you want to avoid going to state agencies to check order home tests online. I don't have a link at hand, but Mirates Rapid Home tests for either HIV or Hepatitis B or combination used to be available in Hongkong if I remember correctly. Now there are other brands on the market that you could order online. The home tests are more expensive (up to 20 $), but you get a result within 5 min with a 99,9% accuracy (a lot better than a normal or even very good hospital in China).
All the best and maybe you can report back about your experience, as it is a sensitive topic to deal with, but first hand-info might be very much appreciated by others in similar situations.
I think that is not true anymore, I think they changed it a couple of years ago.
If you want to avoid going to a hospital... which I can't recommend in good conscience, but you may do it anyway, so...
Try your best to find a reliable mail-order test online. Order from HK or Thailand if possible. Take many tests at once, say ten or so, to increase the chances that you're getting a decent result (of course, this only works if the test is effective to begin with...). Test now, test in 2 months, again in 3, 6, and 8... And then maybe you'd feel confident enough that you could get a test from a public doctor without worrying about being reported.
But if it were me I don't know if I'd be able to sleep at night with just the home tests. I think you are on the right track by looking for a Western MD confidante. There are some here in KMG. I've seen some posts in the past. Hopefully they will see this and be nice enough to send you an email.