GoKunming Forums

Martial arts training (what type / where)

putonghua73 (34 posts) • 0

Dear all,

After pondering the matter, there is no doubt about it, I am actually gaining weight in China, and I'm semi-active as I enjoy walking, hiking, badminton, etc but those coffees and other drinks in Wenlin Jie, plus my coke (cola) habit is starting to have detrimental effect on my svelte figure.

Assuming that I'm not going to give up on the cola in the near future, I'm interested in resuming an interest in Martial Arts.

I did a few lessons of Karate back at University (many, many years ago - also style but no substance), I've also had a few lessons of Krav Maga in London; but as usual my motivation dissipates. My most enjoyable Martial Art study was Ju-Jitsu - both the classes and fellow class-mates (plus the Martial Art) made it a pleasure.

Back to the point, do people know of:
1. Martial Arts classes in Kunming
2. Which Martial Arts
3. Location
4. Contact details

Notes: have bus-pass, will travel from 东风东路, but am interested in places inside Kunming, and preferably Ju-Jitsu. Willing to maybe learn something different i.e. gong fu, if it follows same principles - but NOT Akido, Judo or Karate (no interest).


P.s. I understand that a place next to Tuodong Stadium teaches Wushu, but would want to explore all options. Thanks.

putonghua73 (34 posts) • 0

Hi Dan,

Thanks for the recommendation. I went to a few Shotokan Karate classes during University, and I found that Shotokan Karate bored me stiff.

I do appreciate the response, as I'm sure there are other people who may be interested in studying Shotokan Karate, so your recommendation may assist them.


kahokey (19 posts) • 0

I'm a first dan in Hakko Ryu Jiu Jitsu (Hakko Ryu) and have some experience with grappling/Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as well. I'll admit that I'm many years out of practice but if you'd like to get together to "ouki" for each other, I wouldn't mind practicing techniques with you. Nothing too hardcore anymore as the body can't handle it and I'd rather not take my chances at local hospitals. I don't have any space other than my apt living room but the hard marble floor is not really conducive for taking falls or ground submissions. I might be able to get my gym to allow guests to enter but if not, thoughts on other options?

putonghua73 (34 posts) • 0

Hi folks,

Thanks for the responses. Sadly, I am beginner level so am looking for classes as opposed to sparring partners.

Hopefully both of you may receive some positive responses from this thread.


mailman (48 posts) • 0

the gym sounds great. I don't like grappling, though. I prefer kicks. It's a great workout. Really makes you BREATHE :)

evergreen (2 posts) • 0


My 8-year-old son took Chinese wushu classes last summer from a coach on the Yunnan Province Wushu Team. He can teach traditional and contemporary wushu with or without weapons, and taiji for adults. He actively competes at national and international competitions.

Currently, he teaches group wushu classes to kids and private lessons to adults. His English is limited, but the language isn't critical.

We are now in Kunming again for the summer and he will be teaching both my kids and me.

Feel free to email me at lingsonja@yahoo.com if you'd like more information or you can call him directly at 13888638517. His name is Wang Xiong.

evergreen (2 posts) • 0

There is no sparring in the children's wushu classes. He can teach you either how to spar, which is SanDa (Chinese kickboxing) and/or forms. He specializes in forms. The workout usually consists of warming up by running, stretches including splits, going over all the basic stances, kicks, and forms are last.

You will very sore by the end of you first day!

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