GoKunming Forums

Looking for a Swedish - Johan Erik -

willow33 (9 posts) • 0

I read today's newspaper 都市时报 City Times.. It said your backpack was found on bus.. Your passport and all your belongings still in the bag.. You can go there to claim your belongings.

Their phone number is:5353000

hedgepig (273 posts) • 0

presumably this is the unfortunate chap mentioned in this classified www.gokunming.com/en/classifieds/item/9226/

why does he have to go to the City Times to collect his stuff? is the City Times now running a lost-and-found service? why not pass it to the cops?

then, if the foreigner registration system works properly, they can just pop open the search function on the database, and find he's registered at a certain hotel or apartment.

unless, of course he chose not to register, or lost his stuff before he had a chance to...

anyway, hope someone can find the guy...

Dan Siekman (102 posts) • 0

Rants aside, we've just received word that the guy has been reunited with his passport. All hands stand down.

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