Any idea where I can lay my hands on a pot of black gold?
Marmite would do at a push, but Bovril is out of the question.
Any idea where I can lay my hands on a pot of black gold?
Marmite would do at a push, but Bovril is out of the question.
I have no idea, but if you are interested, I do have a recipe. Not too complicated to do it on your own.
There is a store in Beijing that sells it, not that that is much use I guess...
A funny thing to do is put a big whallop of Vegemite on a spoon and give it to a local friend to try. Most of the time the look on their face will be priceless.
There was the story of an Aussie guy, that on going through Chinese customs was stopped and asked what his jar of Vegemite was. On declaring that it was food, the customs inspector opens the jar and proceeds to take a big mouthful of the stuff.
Actually I'd be interested in your recipe there sanyiseul, I had no idea it was something that could be made at home. Sounds potentially very smelly...
I have some spare vegemite. In a small jar.
More of a Marmite fan, so can give to you.
Thats hell of a kind offer there kiwikiwi. Actually, the other day I managed to track some down, so I'd feel guilty taking it off you. I'm sure the person who posted the other Vegemite thread would be interested...
Vegemite has been spotted in a shop on wenhua xiang.