GoKunming Forums

HIV/AIDS Prevention Volunteering

MerrillR (4 posts) • 0

I'm a westerner in Kunming with lots of extra time, and would like to volunteer in HIV/AIDS prevention work in Kunming, or work with people who are HIV/AIDS positive. If you know of a way for me to get involved, please contact me through GoKunming. Thanks!

chris (144 posts) • 0

A couple of organizations come to mind:

Population Services International:


The International HIV/AIDS Alliance:


There's also Daytop, which is focused on HIV/AIDS prevention with regard to intravenous drug use:


Leprosy is still an issue in this part of the country, there's a group called Joy in Action that works with communities affected by leprosy in SW China:


John Xie (109 posts) • 0

sure, I could join you effort. I aquinted with some doctors in the red cross hospital, it may help to get you involved. by the way, do you have an experince before as volunteer in HIV/AIDS prevention? I don't have.

note: during the New Year period, hospital's may halt to some extent (still in operation but not in a full workload as usual), so be sure to start your work earlier or after the CNY.
my email : 107730051@qq.com
phone : 13354949490

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