GoKunming Forums

To the guy I hit at disco (kundu)

TomIndica (3 posts) • 0

Yesterday I went to Kundu for a good time and had a bit too much to drink, you and my friend did not get along and i ended up hitting you.

I dont think you deserved it, I feel bad and I'm sorry.

boblade (1 post) • 0

Wow. Another dumbass, drunk, fighting foreigner. As a fellow foreigner I'm honored to have idiots like you representing "us" here in China. At least you have a conscience when you're not wasted. (i'm not the guy you hit btw)

TomIndica (3 posts) • 0

Yes it was stupid to hit him I know that, I had too much on my mind. Can not have been all unprovoked though, I do not like fighting at all. I guess i just got a push from him and i gave him two punches in the face. There is nothing i can do to take it back but i will not do it again. Can do no more and even though i punched him i do not believe i am a bad example of foreigners in China so you can relax my friend.

seaforte03 (16 posts) • 0

Hope you hit another foreigner-it's safer. If you hit a Chinese or other Asian, you just never know if or when you'll meet with an accident. We're close to the border so there are far more dangerous people than say in Beijing or Shanghai. Very easy to end up with a sharp instrument lodged in your body. Read the gokunming news for some of the more unfortunate homicidal bar fights from last year. Count yourself (and your drinking buddy) lucky and hope it ends there.

bucko (696 posts) • 0

Kudos to you for posting TomIndia. At least you know you were wrong and admit to it.
Hopefully you can control yourself in the future and just have a good time. If not, just leave. That should always be your first reaction.

chris (144 posts) • 0

Don't feel bad, anyone going to Kundu discos should be expecting to get punched at least twice.

Bernie (101 posts) • 0

It needs to be said: There are professional foreigners in Kunming, e.g., Teachers (legally-employed), full-time students (with a student visa) business people (legally-employed), tourists (visa renewal unnecessary), and a few married to Chinese nationals.

Then, there are people with names such as BigBoy69, et al, who should be deported.

There, I've said it.

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