Hi, I'm chen, I'll be back Km soon(early end next year) after cage in SG so long. I'm a native kunmingese whom lookin' for further education in US hopefully soon after getta few admission test such as TOEFL,SAT whatever the admission need.
I've been compelled to abord when i was on secondary to this antonym of shangrila hopeless country Singapore, anyway thanks to itself singaporean make them even worse place to study, i now have the chance back KM with a degree.
Sorry to mention it, back to normal, i was wonder maybe i can get few friends around here, so that we should hand out sometime in KM, since i'm a native KMese(only self-educated and help from friends from US in SG), so we may have few common and get along well together when we gatherd.
MSN&e-mail: kmdoublec@hotmail.com
e-mail and QQ are my usual use app.