Well, I give the management of the west campus a big thumbs down. I arrived in Kunming in July, and the director(Loris) promised I could take the classes I wanted even if no other students signed up for them. My gut feeling wasn't so great to begin with, at the time because he smoked in the school, and let other people smoke in the school.
I guess next time I'll follow my gut feeling because come August and I went to pick up my schedule, and he wouldn't let me take the classes I wanted. Said that I had to pay for the classes they arranged for me. The same teacher the whole week, and a terrible textbook unless you enjoy learning about "beijing" culture.
I asked for a few weeks to find a different school, but he repeatedly emphasized that the police would take away my student visa. I just recently switched schools and surprise surprise they didn't refund any of my tuition.
Live and learn I guess. On the bright side I quite like the school I switched to, KUST Northern Language Institute