DanTheMan. Where is all the anger coming from? Didn't momma breastfeed you? Can't find a gf here? I hear prozac is fairly cheap around here. Maybe you should go buy some.
DanTheMan. Where is all the anger coming from? Didn't momma breastfeed you? Can't find a gf here? I hear prozac is fairly cheap around here. Maybe you should go buy some.
Obama winning the Nobel Prize was not warranted... but I wouldn't say it is absolutely outlandish. I know that change in American foreign policy needed(needs) to happen, but you have to admit there is a stark contrast between the Bush Administration and now. Furthermore, would anyone really be complaining right now if it were some no name civil rights activist? I mean think about it... this guy is the highest profile "champion" for peace; whether he is just saying or really doing contributes to an overall atmosphere... when you look at it that way, maybe it stands for a lot more than you are considering.
furthermore... what does this really have to do with "living in Kunming?" And if it makes it so hard to live in Kunming knowing that Obama won the prize, then maybe priorities must be reevaluated.
danimal, glad someone out there is thinking things through thoughtfully
danimal, I think it's more along the lines of some members trying to "liven up" the boards here on gokunming. I don't think it makes a difference to most people living in Kunming per se...perhaps a "miscellaneous" section on the boards would be more suitable?
Looking at the big picture.......Who really cares? In viewing ALL politics it really comes down to same BS.... different day. Only thing that matters is family, friends, fun. Politics and religion both smell bad. Who wants that s*#t in your face anyhow?
And once they make a pill that cures Being An Idiot, I suggest a certain someone go buy a bottle of that.
Ok, gonna lock this thread... we're happy to have 'lively' threads on the site but prefer that they have something to do with Kunming or Yunnan or somewhere nearby. Thanks.
This thread is locked.