GoKunming Forums

2 Covid cases in Chengong?

sunjiangyu (24 posts) • +1

Apparently there is a positive case from a student in Anning who recently went to Jinghong. Details are still coming out, but I'd guess that's the reason. It's also in the border area so that may have something to do with it.

sunjiangyu (24 posts) • +1

Update, there was a different confirmed case from someone coming to Jinghong. You can follow YNTV2都市条形码 on wechat for news updates in Yunnan, it's in Chinese but wechat has a translation function. Seeing a lot more people wearing masks outside as well as checkpoints at markets and neighborhoods. Everybody keep safe, wear a mask and get vaccinated. Any chance GoKunming can do an official article or give updates in English?

JanJal (1245 posts) • 0

My wife works as teacher in an extra-curricular training center, and she told that all such establishments in Kunming are ordered to close after tomorrow, in response to the developing situation. Son's kindergarten has not informed of any closure.

bubblyian (102 posts) • 0

I can confirm that extra-curricular training schools in Kunming (on government website in Chinese) were ordered to close today (Tuesday). Other schools still open at present. Also a friend in Banna on holiday cannot leave pending a negative covid test result, but there were huge queue for the tests!

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

I just learned that those "extra-curricular" schools include my wife's piano lessons, so she'll be home to make noise here.

StaceyKon90 (1 post) • 0

Today we were told all the kindergartens in Wuhua district were obeyed to closed after 7th of January. They will work from 1st to 7th (no days off during 1st-3rd of Jan). Also some kindergartens in other districts has the same working days.

JanJal (1245 posts) • 0

Kindergarten informed today that in response to public health situation, New Year holidays (3 days) over coming weekend are cancelled, and spring/CNY holiday will start a couple weeks earlier than previously scheduled, now running 7 weeks starting Jan 8th.

Maybe applies to schools too?

DanTheMan (620 posts) • 0

One friend who is a teaching in a public middle school said that, not only was the Yuandan holiday cancelled, they also are working straight through until Jan. 15 with no days off including on weekend.

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