GoKunming Forums

昆明方言词典 - Kunming Fangyan Cidian

TheSwedishGuy (64 posts) • 0

I'm working on a thesis and need to find this dictionary. Does anyone have it so I can buy it or lend it so I can copy it? I would really appreciate it! It seems impossible to find at the moment. Checked online, checked stores in Kunming but it's out of stock and I'm leaving Kunming in the end of the month.

Thank you in advance!


TheSwedishGuy (64 posts) • 0

I found a copy over at the provincial library, but they asked for my 身份证 so I guess I have to get my wife to help me :) Thank you zlif23!

TheSwedishGuy (64 posts) • 0

I want to ask once again for a favour from you guys. I did head over to the provincial library, however they refused to let me borrow the book. I could copy it with the help of a Chinese friend but only a third of the book since they didn't allow me to take the book out of the library... so what am I supposed to do with only a third of a dictionary?

So if anyone could lend me this dictionary so I can copy it, I will be happy beyond words. I really need this for my thesis and I'm leaving Kunming the 27th!

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