GoKunming Forums

Yunnan foreign business club

Gompo (152 posts) • 0

Hi Foxes!

Any news about Yunnan Foreign Business Club ?

We used to do nice hang out at DT Bar

Please tell me what is happening to Yunnan Foreign Business Club or its new form

and how to connect


TORinKM (3 posts) • 0

Sorry it has been disbanded.

It lives on in memory and via a YFBC Public WeChat group.

At the end, we donated the remainder of our treasury funds to local charities.

My advice...talk up the local foreign business owners...you'll get into the informal network...

Gompo (152 posts) • 0

Hi Torin

Thanks for the info.

I had good memories of the people of the yunnan foreign business club

i searched on wechat but could not find it

if the group is still living, can you please tell me how to connect ?


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