GoKunming Forums

Fish from Dianchi Lake?

TheSwedishGuy (64 posts) • 0

My Chinese family has been feeding me fish from Dianchi lake the past 2 weeks. Since my wife is pregnant and I am a bit suspicious of the water in Dianchi Lake, I want to ask if it's really ok to eat the fish?

No one swims in Dianchi Lake since people claim that your skin itches when you swim. There are almost nothing but alges on the water at some parts. Really doesn't look like unpoluted water to me which is what my Chinese family claims.

hedgepig (273 posts) • 0

as i understand it, Dianchi's chief problem is eutrophication (excessive algal blooms due to pollution by run-off from fertilisers) but i'm sure there are other pollution issues from Kunming's heavy industry. i've seen people swimming in Dianchi, but i wouldn't try it myself. it's certainly not "unpolluted".

most fish sold in Kunming is farmed. while this reduces the pollution worry, you get to think about all the hormones, feed, and disease issues associated with that industry. i'd be surprised if the fish in question came out of Dianchi.

on a slightly brighter note, i don't think it's all lost for Dianchi. there's plenty of articles on this site about investment in clean-up, and i've seen evidence of it on and around the lake. Dianchi eventually drains into the Yangtze, and thus the Pacific ocean. given enough time, and management of its watershed, it should all flush out :)

Bernie (101 posts) • 0

If your wife is pregnant, why not ask the doctor for advice - in my opinion, no fish from Dianchi Lake would be given to any friend of mine. Afterall, there must be a very good reason for the absence of fishing boats.

Additionally, although 'hedgepig's' optimism may have some basis, you'll not see much change during your stay in Kunming - his heightened sence of optimism probably indicates his need for a vacation.

Perhaps, the organic guys will begin to sell fish soon?

TheSwedishGuy (64 posts) • 0

They do catch fish from Dianchi Lake every year for about 2 weeks only and my Chinese family is all excited about it. Keeps on buying those 5 kg monsters 3 times a week at the moment. Smells like a dead dog in the whole house everytime.

Greginchina (239 posts) • 0

Hi Swedishguy. Firstly congratulations on the pregnancy.
My wife is also pregnant and it is difficult to know what to eat. On the one hand fish is very good for you but on the other hand there is a lot of advice against it because levels of mercury that are normal for most people can be dangerous for pregnant women and unborn children.

Its a personal choice but we've been avoiding fish most of the time and trying to get the similar nutrients from other foods.
Even without the mercury issue I would assume fish from Dianchi can't be good for anyone, pregnant or not. Maybe I'm being over the top but I'm imagining that 3-eyed giant mutant fish from the Simpsons :-)

eschatzkin (1 post) • 0

Hello folks. Swedishguy, while I'm no expert, the fact that your wife's family is bringing in fish over 5kg should be of some concern. From my understanding, most of the pollution in Dianchi is due to, as hedgepig says, the eutrophication that came from both fertilizer runoff and from kunming's wastewater treatment facilities. However, in a lake that large, this close to an urban area, there are likely to be heavy industrial pollutants in the water as well.

The larger the fish you're eating out of the lake, the more bio-accumulation has occurred of non-filtered chemicals such as mercury, lead, and other nasty things you want nowhere near your baby. One of the reasons why pregnant women are advised against eating tuna is that, as a larger fish, mercury bioaccumulates in tuna at a much higher rate. It'll probably be better for the baby to lay off the Dianchi fish.

Stevens68 (1 post) • 0

I just arrived in Kunming three months ago.

I am a fly fisherman.

I do not keep the fish I catch, but I release them back to the water.

Where, around Kunming, can I fly fish?

If you want to contact me privately, here is my email address: schwindt68@hotmail.com


onelegged (28 posts) • 0

Swedish guy,

Its time for some tough love (and we do love many things Swedish).

What the hell are you doing letting your pregnant wife eat any Chinese fish on a regular basis, let alone from Dian-chi lake?!!!!?!!!

You have a responsibility for that babies life and your wife's health too.

This thread shouldn't be necessary!!

Scout out some decent sources for fruits, veggies, meats, dairy around Kunming. You may have to pay a bit more, but why risk your family's health?

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

I am not aware of any game fish in or around Kunming.

Most of the fish in Dianchi look more like roach or dace, and are about that size.

Standard tackle here is a roach pole.
More people are using reels now, mostly centre reels and up to 3 on each rod.

There are fish that seem to jump, perhaps for flies, in Dianchi. Be aware that fishing is technically not permitted in Dianchi, or at least not in the Grass Lake area adjacent to Haigeng Daba (Guanjing Lu). Most people tend to fish in the very early morning, before the officials come out, or after dark.

Back to the OP, I see lots of dead fish along the banks of Dianchi. If eutrophication then this is most likely suffocation. However, I would not be surprised if the fishing ban is on public health grounds.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0


"This is a synopsis of the latest scientific knowledge about the danger posed by mercury pollution, presenting 33 findings from five synthesis papers prepared by the world's leading mercury scientists.

They conclude that the risks posed by fish contaminated with mercury call for a worldwide general warning to the public, especially to children and women of childbearing age."

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