GoKunming Forums

"The First Shopping Outlet in Kunming"

l4dybug (89 posts) • +3

For those who live near the Dianchi area looking for things to do this upcoming National Day holidays, Wangfujing will open Kunming's first outlet there tomorrow.

It will be called 王府井滇池小镇, aka "Wangfujing Outlets Town" in English.

Numerous name-brand retail and athletic stores will hold a one day 90% off (一折)sale.

The grand opening festivities starts tomorrow (Saturday, September 28, 2019) to kick off the weekend heading into the Golden Week break.

Search for "王府井滇池小镇" (wang fu jing dian chi xiao zhen) in your WeChat mini program to get event and location details.

DanDare (141 posts) • +2

Not sure but if it is a 90% sale, it might be the usual 10% off. Either way, it is one place I will definitely avoid for the first month. Unless you like crushing crowds avoid.

herenow (357 posts) • +2

I found L4dybug's post informative and am bothered by the number of downvotes (-5 before I chipped in my upvote). I can understand that some people object to commercialism on various grounds, and I sympathize to a good degree. At the same time, malls in Kunming are mostly the same stores over and over again, and it's hard to find decent clothes here that fit me, so an outlet center might have different offerings and is something I would want to check out.

There are a lot of people in the world who like to shop and bargain-hunt as a pastime. I don't count myself among them, but I think we should be respectful of varied interests. There are plenty of posts here on subjects that bore or even annoy me, but I understand they may interest others. So I don't downvote them, I just move on to the next one.

l4dybug (89 posts) • +4

Thanks for your vouching herenow. Let us know how this new "outlets town" fare.

DanDare, I'm just a thrifty, keen shopper whose initial urge upon discovering tidbits on bargain opportunities around town is to share them with the expat community here.

Call it my intrinsic camaraderie among foreigners residing in Kunming. With added propensity to beating the locals at their own retail game, despite their upper hand in language.

Almost all local Kunminger I encounter are incognizant of grand opening or anniversary sales events scattered in their own backyard. For me it's like an Easter egg hunt.

Most locals I come across are either unknowing of these hidden eggs, or just don't mind being the overpaying consumers who appear to have money to burn.

However, for more frugal expats who lack the wherewithal yet limited in the shopping avenues due to language proficiency disadvantages, and to some extent even unfairly duped, my satisfaction comes when that gap is bridged.

I am a firm believer of penny saved is a penny earned, be it buying a croissant or a condo.

michael2015 (784 posts) • +1

Thank you very much for the referral - hopefully this outlet center will get listed in the Gokm reviews section (and maybe also pay for advertising to support our favorite premier Kunming resource for expats?)...

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