GoKunming Forums

Where to copy keys?

birdabroad (40 posts) • 0

I'd like to get a copy of the key to my apartment. Does anyone know where I can go to copy a key (either specifically or the general kind of place that would be able to copy keys)?


NinaC (25 posts) • 0

You can easily copy keys at roadside stands all over Kunming. Look guys sitting under large umbrellas alongside the street. Sometimes they also fix bicycles.

There is one such guy at the corner of Wen Lin Jie and Wen Hua Xiang. He is used to overcharging foreigners, so watch out. He wanted 4 yuan/key and wouldn't bargain. I paid a total of 9 yuan for four keys somewhere less touristy.

Once you know how to spot these umbrella key guys, you will start to see them all over the city.

NinaC (25 posts) • 0

I went to an umbrella key man across the street from the Minorities University today, and he charged 1 kuai per flat key and 3 kuai per four-sided key.

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