GoKunming Forums

parent and children activities in kunming

gidon (3 posts) • 0

Dear Parents,
we are a newly arrived family in Kunming with a 15 month old child. we would like to find a small, informal framework for our boy, with a natural and craetive orientation, for 3-5 mornings a week. what do you know about the available options in town?
If there are other parents looking for something similar or generally interested in discussing any issues related to raising kids in Kunming, maybe we can orginize a parent-children meeting, to play, share information and possible get set up something regular. If youre interested plaese contact us at: 5861400 or shuuli@gmail.com

Danmairen (510 posts) • 0

When in Rome,,. If you get no responses I suggest you go Chinese on this one and let your kid play unobserved on the curb. He will acquire a healthy respect of cars and learn how to truly appreciate airquality when you one day return home.

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