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Long term health (feeling)

redjon777 (560 posts) • +1

The beach, YouTube? Maybe the price :o) but I’m also wondering what makes Thailand’s so good a recommendation compared to China.

herenow (357 posts) • +1

Of course, and I would likely go to Thailand if I needed some kind of major surgery.

But when it comes to routine screenings, Grace Medical Services is staffed by American doctors with American medical degrees, meaning that it's basically like going to your primary care doctor back home. So the advantage offered by Thailand in this case continues to elude me.

Unless you're saying that it's purely a matter of Thailand's "brand", in the sense that people will pay more for a branded product than the identical product produced at the same factory and sold under a generic label.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

i can see problems occur that have noting to do with the doctors, but management who save money by not sending tests samples of to labs. as most people are healthy you can get away with it for so long. the doctors may know nothing about such practices if they occur. might explain news story in post a few pages back. this is all about professional responsibility coming before profit, ie ethics. generally think thailand more ethical culture. ferget ideas of people paying more for a brand. people pay more for serviees they trust more. my ch family dont trust the doctors much here

Peter99 (1246 posts) • -1

Seems Grace Medical Services doesnt even have a homepage, but their main service info method is a text on gokunming.

If this professional place cant even get as far as making an english homepage with their SERVICES (tech, packages, prices, staff..) may it speak for itself.

Like humor. Laugh out loud.

Dont even dare to speculate further....

herenow (357 posts) • +1

Dazzer, that's a good point about the lab tests.

Peter99 wrote: "If this professional place cant even get as far as making an english homepage with their SERVICES (tech, packages, prices, staff..) may it speak for itself."

My understanding is that Grace Medical Services' doctors work here as volunteers and much of their practice consists of offering medical care to the local population on a charitable basis. So I would guess that superficial matters such as the optics of whether or not they have a website are pretty far from the center of their concerns.

Peter99 (1246 posts) • 0

Its cool. But even u go there, u dont even know the place. Hardly any info on them to find.

Its just your “understanding”.

My spontane question to myself would be how can I know ts not some of these more refined scams, or how can i establish basic trust, if theres hardly any info out there on this Grace medical SERVICES. Hope they got good vaccines.

Why wouldnt they market themselves, show their great services, tech and proud faces....being laowais and all. Why wouldnt a charity with american doctors want any publicity?

Any certifications, independent assessing, ISO....? Probably not.

Anyway its cool. What do i know, nothing to find on them. If a broken facebook page doesnt count, with the name “grace medical serverices”.

herenow (357 posts) • 0

@Peter99: Those are mostly fair questions, and some skepticism can be a good thing. But there are also reasons to be skeptical of your skepticism:

1. Their doctors show up in US medical databases as being certified MDs, with specialties matching what they have told me in person.

2. They either got licensed by the Chinese government to practice here, or else they are practicing illegally year after year within a hospital facility (Yunnan Boya Hospital), which seems unlikely.

3. The idea that several American MDs conspired together to come over here to run a scam that could have them wind up in a Chinese prison is implausible.

4. Their fees are reasonable and I have often seen what looked to be non-wealthy Chinese in their waiting room, so it's difficult to see how any scam would cash out, especially in a country where relatively few people have health insurance plans that might be defrauded.

5. You know, people somehow did manage to find trustworthy doctors in the era before websites existed.

On a different note, Emerson wrote "Do your work, and I shall know you," and I think this can be applied to most professionals. I have been to various kinds of doctors in a number of countries and have had good and bad experiences, both in terms of the appointments themselves and the health outcomes. So I have run into some sketchy doctors in my time, and I like to think I have gained some ability to judge.

My experiences at Grace Medical Clinic over the last several years fall clearly on the good end of the scale. My impression is that they know their stuff. And I have seen nothing that hints at any kind of dodginess. That is my experience -- anyone reading this can take it for what it's worth and draw their own conclusions.

Ultimately, you can be as suspicious as you want, but after a certain point it starts to get into conspiracy theory territory, and the conspiracy theorist is immune to persuasion. So if what I've written here hasn't swayed you, then I am going to give up.

Peter99 (1246 posts) • +1

Yea. As I wrote, as theres no info on them, what do i fukin know. Would i let them stick a needle in my shoulder, only finding a facebook page with company name misspelled in chinglish, nope mate.

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