Yep, HOB and Cinemax have Chinese subtitles and all chanels are stereo. The dish points the same direction as the old Boltbox. I believe it is 157 degrees. You can't use your old Bolt dish. This one uses an oval dish and different LNB's to aquire the Agila sats.
There seem to be different people offering this type of package, would there be any difference? This thread was started by an advertisement from "alphandy", and then a later entry said "Call Den at 13888739417", and now there are classified ads by <rebeca> mengqiqi99. Is there any way we can know if one is more reliable than another?
I'm not trying to promote one over the other - - however - - I like to promote truth!! I have DreamTV and it has channels which you say it DOES NOT have.
We get ESPN, STAR Sports. CNN, CNBC, BBC, Australia Network, Discovery, German Network, Animal Planet, History Channel - - and many, many more. If you are going to talk about competition - do it truthfully.
Thanks JJ. Is it possible for you to share about your package, costs, and a contact for installation? I had a Dream TV package before, and it did indeed lose all its channels, so I am curious about what you have now.
Quester - - sorry took so long to reply - - been out of pocket.
On DreamTV we get:
BBC Star Sports
CNBC Star World
Australia Network Star Movies
Turner Classic Movies
History Animax
Hallmark Animal Planet
Nat'l Geograhic Living Asia
Discovery Crime/Investigation
Cartoons (3 CH) More
We dealt directly with Shanghai Service Center (Eric Lee) - - Chinese and English - - who put us in touch with local to do necessary work.
Numbers: 021-2730-9851 - - FAX: 021-2730-9850
Mobile: 138 1865 7991
Good Luck - - Cheers - - JJ
Thanks for that. That package sounds great.
Just a couple more questions.
Is that also a digital package, requiring internet to refresh security codes, or does it use smart cards?
Does it have monthly or annual fees?
We are satisfied with the package - - just finished watching Texas/Baylor football game.
Uses a receiver with Smart Card. Fee is annual. Since there are always changes- promotions - discounts - etc - - best to get info fm Eric.
Cheers - - JJ