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146 Philippine Dream satellite tv lost contract with HBO, CINEMAX, ESPN, START SPORTS, ANIMAX

alphandy (1 post) • 0

Satellite TV in Qingdao(CNN,BBC,DW,HBO,Cinemax,ESPN,Star sports)

Since May.01,2009:

146 Philippine Dream satellite tv lost contract with HBO, CINEMAX, ESPN, START SPORTS, ANIMAX.

BBC, Animal Planet, Tcm, Discovery T&L, CNBC has upgraded to new system, the old receiver with card doesn't support the new system.

If you want watch CNN, BBC, HBO, CNBC, CINEMAX, ESPN, START SPORTS, call me to set up another satellite(CBTV Sat on Apstar 6 at 134.0°E, better picture than 146 dream.)
you can enjoy 138+146+134°E satellite tv over 150 channels.

Below Channels are available: CNN, BBC, Deutsche Welle, HBO, Cinemax, AXN, Star movie, Hallmark, ESPN, Star sports, 2nd avenue, ETC, Living Asia, Star world, MTV Music,Discovery, Discovery T&L, NGC, Church, tv Maria, Cartoon network, Smile of child, Nickelodeon, Sony Animax, CNBC Asia, World Fshion, NBA, Adult Channels .............................................

Check my website:

Msn: alphandy@hotmail.com

Greginchina (239 posts) • 0

Is there reason you've advertised something as available in Qingdao on a Kunming website? Can you do this in Kunming?

Do you know if any of the satellite receivers you install can upscale to 720p or 1080p and output via an HDMI cable. We have the chinese local digital terrestrial set top box and when hooked up to our high def TV, the images look like youtube because they are not upscaled.

bucko (696 posts) • 0

I've been using Apstar sats for several months now in Kunming. I have one dish with 2 KNB's and run a linux digital "Dreambox" receiver. It's all good, including a picture that is VERY close to HDTV viewing it on my 58" HDTV. You can get HK, Taiwan, Cuba, China, US Europe, Japan, and more. That old Bolt box and sat card is now in the round file. Also this system requires a net connection so it becomes another "network device" which can stream TV to your PC's, and then use the PC to record like a Tivo if you want.

I got my setup locally, cost 2100 RMB installed.

timkunming (87 posts) • 0

that sounds pretty interesting.
is this essentially FTA? I've heard of some of these jokers asking for you to pay them for new "cards" every six months or so...for something that is readily available on the net if you look in the right places...and what is the net connection for? I'd like to get some more information if possible...email me at nettouhen@NOSPAMgmail.com

Greginchina (239 posts) • 0

Hi Bucko,
got a few questions. what is a KNB? Is the network connection necessary for software updates? Can it work wirelessly? Is it connected to your TV via an HDMI cable or standard A/V cables? If its standard A/V then its the TV that scales the picture - unfortunately our TV doesn't do this well - our DVD player outputs via HDMI and the difference is really noticeable.

Also, did a google on Apstar and it seems to be a chinese satellite - does that mean they blackout certain BBC and CNN stories like you get in Chinese hotels?

colinflahive (167 posts) • 0

Hey Bucko, do you have the phone number for the local person who set your connection up?

bucko (696 posts) • 0

Greginchina, I mistyped. I meant 2 LNB's. The AV connections are either composite video or standard. No HDMI. There is no blocking of BBC or CNN. You are basically still using a pirate system.
The box does not use cards. It needs the internet to update the keys which need to be updated every 30 seconds. The box connects to a server for these updates and does this automatically. You only pay 200 RMB a year for the connection to the server. You can wire it to a port on your router as another device, the box is not wireless.

Colin, I will post a number in a few days. I don't have it with me now.

bucko (696 posts) • 0

I forgot, the audio is received in 2 channel so you get stereo output. Picture quality is far superior to the old Boltbox crap.

Greginchina (239 posts) • 0

hi bucko, thanks for info. i would appreciate the phone number too when you can find it.

TV is not anywhere near the router so I guess I'll get an ethernet over power plug system or a wireless bridge - hopefully should work.

If it needs to update keys every 30 seconds does that mean if the internet goes down the broadcast just stops?

bucko (696 posts) • 0

Here is the latest for getting the new sat service.

Call Den at 13888739417 he only speaks Chinese.

Total complete install is 2500 RMB This also includes the first year subscription which is 200 RMB a year. Just today he has changed the IP server to another more reliable server. He just finished resetting my box to the new server.

I originally quoted 2100 RMB, but I was incorrect, sorry.

If the internet goes down, your picture will freeze until it updates. This will happen sometimes for about 15 sec if IP traffic is busy. Since the server is now located in China, I don;t see this a a problem. I am very happy with all my new channels and high quality picture. Very cool stuff.

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