I totally agree with dolphin that saying someone is a farmer as an insult is foolish.
That kind of insult is quite similar to calling someone a 'hillbilly' in the english language.
Ignorance, arrogance, privelige and prejudice seem to be contributing factors in many of the situations in which belittling or dehumanizing language is being used worldwide but the opposite can also be said to be true.
When people are struggling financially they often feel the need to 'scapegoat' a certain group who they may consider to be diffferent or 'other'.
It can quickly escalate into something terrible. Its never a good idea to use insulting language that involves people being categorized as 'non-human'.
In and around China, everyone is calling each other different kinds of animals. Its worrying. HongKong people sometimes call mainland people 'locusts'. Mainland people call hong kong people dogs, japanese are 'devils'. From a traditional chinese perspective, all non-east asian people are 'monkeys' or 'apes' of some sort.
But when exploring the other side of things you can also find derogatory implications in english language speech describing chinese people.
For example some western people might say something like 'chinese girlfriend'. The fact that they didnt just say 'girlfriend' implies 'chinese girlfriend' is lesser than 'girlfriend'. It has implications of 'mail order bride' or 'prostitute'. Thats pretty fucking insulting. English speakers have a different, perhaps slightly more subtle way to dehumanize and belitttle.
Perhaps some of you still have problems stemming from ignorance, arrogance, privelige and prejudice after all?
Take the example of the NFL player who kneeled during the american national anthem to protest against american white supremacy. He is now featuring on Nike adverts.
Nike is a company that is known for manufacturing shoes in sweatshop factories in asia in which workers get paid 50 cents an hour, almost in slavery.
But on the surface nike seems to be 'really not racist' right now.
Its the same with apple computer products.