Does anyone know of any PhD programs that are still offered in the (old) city center or in northern Kunming? I'm moving to Kunming this summer and want to take PhD classes, but I've heard that all the universities have moved their campuses far south to Chenggong.
Probably depends on location of department for what you want to do - astrophysics or Chinese literature?
@alienew: good point. I am interested in pursuing a PhD in something along the lines of religion, history, Chinese language, or international relations.
You'll need to be a little more decisive - believe me, doing a PhD just to have a PhD is not worth it.
My primary preference is religious studies
Any particular religious tradition? Do you read Chinese easily? If so there might well be possibilities for historical or anthropological approaches to religious traditions practiced in Yunnan, including those connected with ethnicity (for this you might inquire at the Minorities University)
- but anthropology will require fieldwork, and if you've got a full time job that might not be practical. Do you have an idea for a thesis?
Yunnan University is the pre-eminent state-level university in the province.
or go to their home page in Chinese, then click on the English link top right (same weblink as above).
Dunno if they have English language courses - but the school is moving towards a more internationalized population, so each new year brings new things.
Okay, great--thank you for all the information. I read Chinese well, so I'm planning on doing all coursework and research in Chinese. My main concern is that I've heard all universities were moved to the south to Chenggong a few years ago, is that true? Have any of the universities left graduate-level programs up north, or should I expect to have everything university-related be in Chenggong? Thank you again for all your help--this has truly been a remarkable resource and I hope I can do the same for others.
It depends on the program. For Yunda, several, but not ALL graduate and doctoral programs are hosted at the Green Lake campus - but you'll have to check with the university directly as most activities are migrating to Chenggong as mentioned.
Yunda has buses from the Green Lake Campus to the Chenggong Campus that operate all day long (roughly hourly). The commute fee, if any, is nominal/negligible. The subways also take you into university town but don't know station proximity to campus entrances. From Kunming city central - it costs ¥5 to the airport, so would assume the cost is ≤¥10 round trip daily - but the campus bus will absolutely be cheaper.
FYI, the Chenggong campuses are epic and monolithic to sustain future growth. Kunming is currently at a population of roughly 6.5 million with a mandate to grow to 10 million (no known or published date).
Depending on your planned duration of stay - there are many opportunities to help, start, and or lead new research departments to develop world class arts and sciences curricula, students, and ... ad infinitum.
If you need a formal introduction to the university, let me know and I'll introduce you to the Foreign Affairs Office - to help you get started. Your Chinese Language abilities will absolutely make things smoother.
Please Private Mail (PM) me if you'd like this assistance. Please note - everyone is on Chinese New Year break so arranging informal meetings may be delayed until March when campus operations emerge from hibernation.
what are the job prospects like for religious studies?