All right, sometimes I'm dense and miss things, but I can't tell if Magnifico is serious about the Book of Revelations or not - please straighten me out and accuse me of whatever you want.
All right, sometimes I'm dense and miss things, but I can't tell if Magnifico is serious about the Book of Revelations or not - please straighten me out and accuse me of whatever you want.
there's a theory that i came across about the "mark of the beast" in Revelation 13:16-18 being an implanted microchip.
but i haven't picked up a bible in 1000 years, so not sure if it's bs.
OK, Magnifico, sorry to miss the point, isn't the first time.
By the way, I wrote a manuscript once that, unwittingly, came to exactly 666 pages in draft - there must be people after me, including, perhaps, an anthropomorphic God. And yeah, I had all the vaccinations as a kid.
Bible's an interesting book by the way.
Dialogue of two experts... revealing..
Lovely, GMO mosquitos - no - the govt is NOT out to get you!