GoKunming Forums

So What's the Scoop on the Water Shutdown

JanJal (1246 posts) • +1

Our block had written notes by elevators changed to reflect POSTPONING to 10th-13th, and wife also caught it from some WeChat source.

English Tutour (123 posts) • 0

New information on no water. Maybe off or on in some places or not, maybe to Nov. 13. Seeking more information from the water company or from you. Is there a list of places that will have water or no water?

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Panlong, FengYuan Lu area: 09:00 Friday - Monday 'night'. No specific restoration time. Source = word of mouth, colleague.

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

We had water for a few minutes! Low pressure but it filled the toilet tank.
Then we had good pressure for a few minutes.
Then the pressure went down again. I filtered about 3 liters of water in one of the water jugs, then it stopped.
Now we have low pressure again, but not enough to filter water.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

The water you had for a few minutes was probably a build up of low residual pressure (head of water) over time. Once a couple of people in your block have opened a faucet it disappears.

JanJal (1246 posts) • 0

Is it possible that individual buildings or complexes have stopped water themselves in expectation to the district wide maintenance - which was rescheduled?

I can well imagine that some building managers would not bother to restart water and instead just wait for the postponed maintenance.

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

And now it's off again.

My wife read the government announcements again.

They have indeed extended the shut down for another 4 days. I have no idea why the water was restored twice yesterday.

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