@redjon: Nothing wrong with kids having fun. I've carved pumpkins, as a kid. But what IS a pumpkin-carving knife, anyway?
(By the way, some of the above comments were meant to be humorous - nothing wrong with adults having fun. Quite possibly some people didn't laugh. But then I've seen some pretty halfass-carved pumpkins too).
I assumed the OP was after a serrated knife. You can buy them in many department stores and hardware stores...
@Alien think that was the crazy part of the question, can't say anybodies heard of a pumpkin carving knife, never mind where to buy lol.
@ocean think the good old cook and bread knife combo would've done, surely he had and if not can buy anywhere ;o)
All a tad bit late now anyway.
Pumpkin carving is serious business and an art for some. It’s not just knives which are necessary it’s specific scoops and other tools. You can actually buy pumpkin carving kits.
OK, vicar, fine, but a little sense of humour, please.
Well we all have another year now, to procure our pumpkin carving sets, or get a sense of humour.
You must have finished with your carvings by now... Can you give me the leftovers, so I make soup?