GoKunming Forums

Dali ghost town

mike4g_air (788 posts) • 0

The recent forced closures of hotels and restaurants around Er Hai has created a nightmare for locals earning a living ...tourists are not there..the place is empty..

Peter99 (1246 posts) • 0

When Xi Jinping visited Erhai about 2 years ago, he took a photo of the lake water in front of him, and said something like he will be back and compare it to a photo later and see if the polluted water has been cleaned up. Very effective method indeed.

michael2015 (784 posts) • 0

So, are you saying now's a good time to go visit Dali, cuz it's not too busy with the usual tourists?

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • +1

What caused closure?
National Government turned away from using GDP growth as the main measure of performance for local governments. A general groundswell of opinion about pollution put environmental protection and remediation as a measure of government performance. Beijing has been auditing and acting, in support of this policy. Quite aggressively by the sound of things.

jj123 (101 posts) • 0


Do you live in Dali or traveling there?

I guess great for the local area and bad for the local businesses, eh?

I wonder how much it affects local biz? I think I read it here that someone mentioned that a lot of the newer establishments were from out of towners?

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

It is a misconception to think cleaning up or abating pollution is bad for a locale or business.

Unabated, pollution will eventually kill tourist related businesses. It really doesn't matter who owns the businesses cleaning them up can only be good.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@ Geezer: True, but business folks have a tendency to take a short-term view, and so are not always concerned with the consequences. Bird in hand, etc.

mike4g_air (788 posts) • +1

10 years ago Beijing had given Dali government funds to create plans and build waste water treatment infrastructure..
Dali government did nothing for 10 years.
Now they are in a panic to get the lake clean. solution??? close everything(mostly illegal permits) to save our jobs.


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