GoKunming Forums

Street Stabbings

Napoleon (1187 posts) • -6
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Well your tube station attack obviously showed them terrorists the might of the kid glove as there was no more attacks in Europe after that.

Now your tax money pays for his room, board and conical visits from his goat.

Axe man was shot. Now any other loons sitting round petting their pubic hair collections thinking of doing something similar to innocent members of the public are having second thoughts. If Axe Man had gotten the degree of sympathy shown to him on here, told he was a frustrated, misunderstood soul and sent to the naughty corner for 10 minutes perhaps his admirers would be out swinging axes along Renmin Lu right now.

This every life matters equally whether attacker or victim bollocks doesn't add up. The world is 2 billion people over capasity and anyone who goes around with axes chopping at people has immediately volunteered themselves as excess population in my book.

You must be distraught that Scotland Yard took out that terrorist the other day outside of Big Ben.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Your supremacist rants are becoming a liability to this forum.

Police in Westminster will be relieved at having prevented further bloodshed and unhappy at not having been able to hand a suspect terrorist over to security services. Dead people can't answer questions, provide intelligence and possibly thwart further attacks.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • -4
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What is it with you?

No one has mentioned race at all, how has supremisit come about?

Is it that race doesn't have to be involved for someone to be a supremisit because racists and supremisits aren't what the dictionary defines them but infaxt people who disagree with you about something and can be made to fit to order regress of subject??

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Indeed, you've answered your own question. I did not specifically mention racism - you did. You are the master of the non-sequitur, little you say adds up but you try and bluster people into submission.

2 billion over populated you say and you have an answer to that in shooting people dead who don't fit into your superior view of things. Many, not all, of your posts are permeated with nastiness, at least one was so bad it was deleted from the site.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • -5
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Have I missed something? We are taking about a potential axe murderer and a terrorist?

Who's ideal world do people like that fit into? Yours?

Napoleon (1187 posts) • -3
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On a side note.
There are one or two here and I include nnoble in this who don't play the ball but the man.

For one person to have views that don't fit with that of another is life, its perfectly normal and perfectly within everyone's rights.

Its even within peoples rights to name call when frustration gets the better of them. I've been called all the names under the sun and perhaps more at one point or other and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Likewise I've called a few names myself over the years on here and otherwise. My skin is thick enough to be addressed as whatever you want to throw.

However there is a trend with a few where to do so isn't nearly enough. Where name calling doesn't fulfill their annoyance at another person and where terms and not names are thrown.

To be addressed as a racist and a member of some kind of supremisit group are not only farcical but over the lines of common decency and edging safely into slander.

Racism is a crime taken seriously where I come from and if I've walked the line there thus far I would say its safe to say that I failed in being a racist. If this is a term that you bandy about as a quip in your country and is used so often that the word loses its original meaning and morphs into something far more jovial then by all means spare a thought that when speaking to people from across the word this may not be used in that form.

In such a wide spectrum people will have different opinion on things, be this due to their own personal experience, their upbringing, whatever. You'll have to accept that you're not in Ohio now and you're in a melting pot of opinions different to your own.

Opinions are not facts, they cannot be wrong, they shouldn't expect to be corrected and as long as people have opinions this will always be the case and people will always have opinions, even when they're not wanted.

If you wish to continue on this course by all means apply to Zanu PF and you can shout Racism and shut down anything that you don't want to hear whenever you like, you're already very good at it.

If not then by all means post, inform, let rip. It doesn't have to be nice and at times it need not be cordiale but bare in mind once the banter becomes slander its gone too far.

I'm not a victim here, just don't think it will work both ways. If I was to start calling people Peodos or accusing people of being from ISIS I would expect the post instantly removed because that would would never be in the interests of this forum.

I say this as most on here seem to be able to quite readily dish it but can't take it in return. If that's you. Engage brain, post without all the Mr Trump/Mrs Clinton esque bullshit that you would otherwise add to it. Then, if someone thinks ylwhat you say is wrong, fuck 'em and tell them so - without the theatrics.

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