GoKunming Forums

Real Catholic Church

FragrantCloud (3 posts) • +1

Spartan, do you know there are two International churches in Kunming.

They are not Catholic, but they are Christian.

One is in the North near the bus station, the other in the South, not sure where

Haali (1178 posts) • -4
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Spotlight is a really good movie about the Boston Globes investigations into catholic church's cover ups of child sex abuse. It's a pretty evil organisation. Not sure if it applies to the Chinese Catholics, given that they are separate from the Vatican. Perhaps the Chinese version is better.

SpartansSpartans (184 posts) • +1

Lol, teachers and family members very often sexually abuse children too, does that mean schools and families are evil?

Luan :) (15 posts) • 0

"Special treatment?Are you Catholic? Did you know you can't receive the Eucharist unless you have confessed and are in a state of Grace?"

A. This is simply not true. If you have received the sacrament of Holy Communion, you can take the eucharist at any time or at any service. B. Like every Catholic church in the world, presumably there are set times to attend confession, where you wait your turn. Why should you expect him to hear yours as when it suits you? Seems rather selfish.

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

Catholic Church is "a pretty evil organisation." An interestingly characteristic Christian remark.

Makes one think of Muslims killing Muslims because they are the wrong kind of Muslim. Christians used to kill other Christians because they were the wrong kind of Christian. I guess merely labeling other Christians as evil is progress.

SpartansSpartans (184 posts) • -1

Where have I written I want to confess when it suits me? He won't even inform me when or where to take it with the others. And no, you can't take holy comunion in a State of Mortal sin before confessing.

lemon lover (1006 posts) • +1

Like many forum users you started this thread with the wrong heading and therefore the discussion went off track.
You should have used “State of Mortal sin“ as header. Maybe that works.

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