I'll tell you who else would pull a face and demand to get receipts and badge numbers and cause as much fuss as possible at such a simple request or be worried enough about the prospect of it:
Drug mules
People here illegally
People smugglers
People on the run
Escaped convicts
I.E. people with something to hide...
..... And smug Yanks.
I'm happy enough to have a few feathers ruffled so that there is the possibility of weeding out a few bad eggs so that I don't have to share a vesterbule with them on my journey to wherever.
That list is pretty much 1 out of 8 right. The first seven shut their holes and stay away from cops and say as little as possible. Only the smug yank will even think to give lip back. If you just wanted to call Americans or associate them with drugs, criminals, and terrorist, just do so.
'yanks' in particular need to tread carefully these days with both the authorities and locals. A lot of resentment out there for reasons I won't go into here. Quite a few incidences recently and I've been told quite openly by people after they realize I'm not from USA that they don't like (actually they say 'hate') Americans and America. That's just my recent experience and its becoming quite regular. In other words there's no point in adding fuel to the fire.
@ Napoleon
Just take that guy who rammed his truck in Berlin. Drifting around in Europe with 14 identities without a problem. Or the hundred thousands who "lost" their passports in the Mediterranean, and this stuff. Lets not say it loud, which continent is the most stupid in history of human civilization.
I'm with you on this one. You're preaching to the converted.
@peter & napoleon
If you have nothing to say but just rant and have fits. You don't need to, there are plenty of politicians playing into your hands.
The chaos you mentioned doesn't exist.
The world is better and safer than ever, as long as you are not in the hate producing business or part of their machine.
I don't mind my passport being inspected, or photographed professionally. But not by a discriminating pouty child police, using his personal phone doing god knows what with my ID info.
If you really have problems with trust towards authorities, then China should raise some additional worries.
That's enough off topic posts.
I want let it being taken by trolls for hate and discriminating rants.
Please administrators, could you close the thread.
If anyone knows why security is a bit extreme and rude lately feel free to send me a personal message.
It seems as using the threads for community info always ends with 2 or 3 trolls ruining it for everybody through dimwitted comments.
For the trolls, in the language you can understand: "Big Losers, so sad"
Thanks for the serious posters, actually trying to help and for your information and time.
politicians not playing into their hands. its the other way round
@fixit: you opened this thread with "When I protested he got quite upset, and his lower rank comrade shouted "F*ck" at me."
Now you want to close it with "I don't mind my passport being inspected, or photographed..."
In my dozen years in China passing through hundreds of check points and having my documents checked, I never managed to provoke anger in officials the way you did.
You are required to carry and produce identification on demand in China. Hotels photocopy passports all the time. Your employer does also. When you register your residence you provide photocopies.
I don't know what you did to provoke the police person to pull out his phone but clearly you over reacted hence provoking the corresponding over reaction.
China's system of identifying and tracking people is burdensome but not invasive. Your passport information is recorded in many places and available to many more persons than you can imagine.
Why the anger? What are you trying to hide?
Lets make an update here as well. Since vicar got so much minus for being closer to truth. Just to put things in perspective a bit. Theres a japanese warship now going into disputed waters. Without saying this is a grave provocation from Chinese perspective. About 10 hours ago China has given a warning. Two days ago the warning was towards the US to stay away. So how many of you out there giving the minus know what it will mean in practical terms, if theres a real escalation on the sea taking place next week. There could be one, of course, things could go smoothly too. But if not, fixitwithahammer will probably need to fix the lock on his door. And carry his passport around like the Maos little red book, to be seen in front pocket. To make this more convenient the tibetans, for example, have sewn a special pocket for ID on the front side of their jackets. This way the ID can be pulled out easily when its being asked several times a day. Fixitwithahammer might want to follow news and if things heat up, ask his china wife to sew an extra passport pocket on jacket. To make things convenient.
Who is it that you think you are again? The Queen of England?
I'm sure that in Bumsfuck Idaho the world does indeed revolve around your ideals,but to start telling me the wold is fine and dandy, to deny that people aren't hitting other people with trucks because of their ideals,that is a dangerous madness on your part.
As someone born in Africa, having lived in Europe and then spent the best part of the last 15 years in a variety of troubled places I can tell you that your idea of 'everything being fine' doesn't wash.
Say it how it is - The troubles of the world are not of a concern to you as they don't effect you. Having a policeman take a photograph of your passport is about as rough as it gets - and when it happens you blow it out of all proportions accordingly. Congrats - you're one of the few that doesn't have to worry. I know Empathy is something Americans don't have so asking you to spare a thought for the rest is a bit of a waste.
And now to want a thread closing,its a worrying trend of how things are going. While the people of Africa are fighting for their voices to be heard the people of the West are asking theirs to be taken away.
I dont agree with you but at no point did I ask for you to be removed/silenced/closed down. It seems the fact that the world doesn't revolve about what you think is an uncomfortable truth you are yet to learn.
If this thread is to be closed down on the basis of it not conforming with your viewpoint, then I will continue to think whatever about whatever, I will not have an epiphany a few days later and change my views on something for the sake of your limp wrists. All that will have happened is you will get an ego stroke and be overcome with delusions of granure until the next time you encounter something you don't like, throw a fit and ask for it to be destroyed/taken down/deleted so you can continue your merry life in a bubble.