GoKunming Forums

Refusing to sell me a phone card

SpartansSpartans (184 posts) • 0

I'm having some trouble buying a phone card. China movile and telecom are refusing to sell me a new phone card with my passport in hands, without having a Chinese friend present his ID.
Has there been any recent change in rules? I always bought phone cards by myself with my passport in the past. Can anyone recommend me an agency?

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

My wife said that's because the person behind the counter doesn't know how to enter a non-Chinese name. She may be right, or not. I had to have her help to get mine updated.

The other problem I always had was simply paying money for the phone service. It always took a half hour with them always trying to sell more service. Now I just pay by WeChat and get a discount.

goldie122 (645 posts) • 0

Last time I had an issue with my phone number that I had previously registered, I too had to go to a larger business.

These small shops on every other street corner are not able to deal with foreigners and passports.

JanJal (1245 posts) • +2

Also note that (according to my latest information anyway) only China Unicom is able to provide 4G to foreign phones.

JanJal (1245 posts) • 0

I'm not knowledgeable of the technical details, but generally phones bought abroad. I bought my phone from Europe, and was stuck with China Mobile's 3G until I realized to switch to Unicom.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

@allpage. Some foreign phones regardless of who owns them. Likewise a smartphone, iPhone for example, bought here, may not work on foreign networks. The technical details i'l leave to someone who knows more.

kicklee (5 posts) • +1

Maybe try it in university town, I heard there is no trouble. They know how to deal with the papers cause a lot of foreign students live there and even the offers are not too bad.

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