Hey there,
I'll be staying here for a year or 2 in February and wanted to ask if there's any co-working spaces I could use for my work.
All i need is a space with a fast solid internet connection and a table + desk.
Hey there,
I'll be staying here for a year or 2 in February and wanted to ask if there's any co-working spaces I could use for my work.
All i need is a space with a fast solid internet connection and a table + desk.
Hi there. What are you working on and what are you prepared to pay for co-working? We have a modern, bright office in central location with desk space and 100Mbps fiber optic internet available. We are working on a robotics system.
Hey voltaire, I'm a designer and work with clients on websites/app designs.
I would be willing to pay whatever you think would be a reasonable price, I'll be working roughly 4 hours a day Monday-Friday.
OK, sounds good, I might even have some work for you. Send me a private message through this site with your email address and portfolio.
I can't send a pm to you, I'm not sure why and there's no error message. Could you pm me?
Co working is a business services provision model that involves individuals working independently or collaboratively in shared office space. The typical user of a co working facility is self-employed, a telecommuter, or a freelance worker.
Saw an article this is common in Bangkok.
What is going on here?
The OP mailed a question more than 2 years ago (He/she would arrive in February for one or two years so we are talking before Feb 2017). If he/she stayed indeed two years than theoretically should have left again by now but still somebody called Alina Megat bothers to register a new account to post something completely irrelevant.
Same happened with “Carpet Cleaners in Kunming” post from seven years ago.
Of course it is no surprise that our other blast from the past Peter99 reacts to it.
"Alina Megat" looks an awful lot like an anagram to me...
Nah, I just threw out a random reply here, so that cloudy, lemon & Co. can waste their “creative times” here guarding - doing what theyre best at - didnt even watch any dates.
Maybe its a bot
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