GoKunming Forums

You will never be Chinese!

Haali (1178 posts) • +1

Napoleon - the video isn't about what they want. It's a video aimed, as I said before, at subscribers who have never lived in China. If giving information is moaning, then yes, they are moaning. China is different from other countries both in terms of it's legal conception of nationality and it's laws regarding immigrants without Chinese ancestry. I don't believe they, or anyone on this forum, said what China should or shouldn't do.

cloudtrapezer (756 posts) • +4

Was the video made before Trump was elected? Before the Brits voted to strip themselves of European citizenship? Before Marine Le Pen became a serious contender for the French presidency? Yes it would be nice if China issued more green cards, but from a broader perspective things could be a lot worse. The Chinese can be quite pragmatic when it comes to regulations and in many ways things are getting better as reciprocal visa agreements are signed with more and more countries.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

What 'being Chinese' (or Sikkimese or French or Angolan etc.) might mean, when considering anything beyond mere practical/impractical political/legal identity, is a highly ambiguous concept and is rarely thought about clearly.

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