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Visa renewal (married to a Chinese National)

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • +6

I didn't get married to get a visa either. At the time we married we lived in Canada and my Chinese born wife is a Canadian citizen.

We are now in China taking care of her severely disabled sister, and I'm the one who pays the bills for both my wife and her sister. My wife has no problem getting the S1 visa with a residence permit, but they still give me a hard time.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

Just came back from picking up my new visa. One thing hat is new and didn't know, you must use a bank card to pay. They do not accept cash payments. The officer told me this went in effect this year.

So besides bringing the yellow slip, don't forget your bank card.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • -2

You have to love that CASHLESS society. China is right in the forefront of this too. Must love that Wechat crap too.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

There was no notice on the window posted. Two other people (Chinese) didn't know about this and didn't bring their bank cards. Luckily an officer behind the window did me the favor and use her bank card and I gave her the cash in return. If it wasn't for her, I would have had to go back home ( I leave all the way in the North).

redjon777 (560 posts) • 0

Does anyone know how long before the Q1 visa runs out it can be renewed? Mine currently runs out in August but as I intend to be back in the UK for about a month around that time, it could be a bit of hassle if I can only renew 4 weeks before the visa ends.

Searching on google I couldn't find anything too specific to this point.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • +1

It would be an idea to go to the PSB with your wife and explain the situation. If the officer behind the desk says it cannot be done, then ask to speak to a supervisor or the director, as they have massive amounts of leeway in what they can do. They may just give you 12 months from the day of application, and not 12 months from the end of your old visa running out, and so it may be worth waiting until a little bit nearer the time. If the supervisor agrees, be prepared to make the application at that moment. If you are not ready they may get irritated.

redjon777 (560 posts) • 0

Probably the sensible way to get it done, just take my documents early and try a bit of one to one chat.
In that case I’ll probably leave it till early June then go. I’ll update with the result of that come the time :o)

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