GoKunming Forums

Lonely Planets

rastafeyd (11 posts) • 0

Hey everyone,

I was wondering whether there were any other stores in Kunming, other than Mandarin Books, that has English-language Loney Planets? Thanks in advance.

DenLee (49 posts) • 0

I second the question, is there really no other place?

Or, can I get the English version of the Southeast Asia Lonely Planet (2007 or 2009) cheaper than on Amazon.com somewhere in Kunming?

Thank you.

The Book Exchange (17 posts) • 0

Hey Guys,

There's a good batch of lonely planet guides at the Book Exchange and the Book Nook. Here's the current list:

The Book Exchange (15, 40 Wen Lin Jie - The Vintage Cafe)
South East Asia on a Shoestring Lonely Planet
Central Asia Lonely Planet
South East Asia on a Shoestring Lonely Planet
Israel & the Palestinian Territories Lonely Planet
Thai Phrasebook Lonely Planet
China: Phrasebook Lonely Planet
Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijian Lonely Planet
Cambodia Lonely Planet
Vietnam Lonely Planet

The Book Nook (Beichen, Silver Spoon Cafe)
Q2 Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania Lonely Planet
Q3 Baltic Phrasebook Lonely Planet
Q4 China Lonely Planet

Hope that helps...

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

RE: The Book Nook (Beichen, Silver Spoon Cafe)

Walked past the Silver Spoon yesterday and it is in some sort of transition. Either a major renovation or is closing. The sign was on the ground and a lot of stuff outside.

Anyway, it did not look open for business. Wasssup?

DenLee (49 posts) • 0

Oh, is the Book Exchange right in the Vintage Cafe? I went there today, saw the cafe and thought that I'm probably at the wrong address or something... Well, gotta go again. :)

The Book Exchange (17 posts) • 0

The Silver Spoon has changed management/owners so they may be closed for a bit. I wasn't sure when they were going to make the change, but apparently, now's the time. The Book Nook will still be located there in the future. DenLee - Yes, the Book Exchange books are in the Vintage Cafe.

DenLee (49 posts) • 0

OK, bad luck today at The Book Exchange. One couple who entered the cafe literally about 5 second before me aimed for the same thing - Lonely Planet: South East Asia on a Shoestring, 2008. :(
Is there any other place in Kunming with this book in English (for no more than, say, RMB 160) or I should just buy it on Amazon.com, or another Internet store?

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