GoKunming Forums

Shanghai Criminal History Check

DanTheMan (620 posts) • 0

Hi all, has anyone needed to get a criminal history check from Shanghai because you're applying for a work permit in Kunming and have a previous residence permit from Shanghai in your passport?

Any details about this process would be much appreciated. I'm having trouble figuring out how to get it done at all, much less remotely from Kunming without having to visit in person.


HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0


This certificate is now required both in and out of China. Your case is a good example of needing this certificate when you lived or worked in another province in China. There are a few people on the enclosed thread who had this done through an agency. I did mine in person but I realize you are trying to avoid the trip to Shanghai.

For anyone who plans to move to another province, make sure you get your certificate before you leave as you will eventually need it.

I am sure this warning will be ignored and another thread will pop up soon asking how to do this AFTER the person has left the province or left China. Saved for posterity.

DanTheMan (620 posts) • 0

Bump. I cannot find any relevant info on other threads about an agent to hendle this for Shanghai or any other place that is not Yunnan. By the way Campo, excellent directions for the Yunnan criminal history check. One clarification is the the "PSB" you mention is not the main one on Beijing road, but rather the entry exit bureau nearby on Tuodong Lu.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

One clarification is the the "PSB" you mention is not the main one on Beijing road, but rather the entry exit bureau nearby on Tuodong Lu.

Where did I mention that the PSB was in Beijing Road?

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