GoKunming Forums

Please sign the petition.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

Then don't argue with me. @goldie. If you do not wish to start a discussion on the merits of signing a petition to save the polar bear in a shopping mall then you should've posted in the classifieds instead of the forum. In the classifieds, there is a section for News & Information which is intended for "[Announcing] events, promotions, or anything else you want GoKunming readers to know about."

You want people to sign a petition, fine. I'm not here to tell people what to do or what not to do. I merely stated my opinion on how I view petitions and this one in particular. If that rubs you the wrong way, I'm sorry, don't respond. But if you respond, I have a nasty habit of responding to things I see. It's called having a dialogue.


"Stop worrying about what has happened in the past and realize that change will happen at some point regardless of past failures."

— Those that do not study history are condemned to repeat it. If you don't analyze the reasons for past failures, how can you ensure future success?

— The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Every large city has a Mayor's Hotline (12345). When I want a particular issue resolved, I have all my university students randomly call in with a prepared script that will be recorded when one calls into 12345.

This has ALWAYS worked for me and always gives me the results I am looking for.

When multiple calls are received for the same issue, it goes directly to the minister who handles that field and will be floored at the Mayor's meetings.

In the last 12 years I have made more than 200 reports and every single issue was resolved within a few days, some took a few weeks, very few took a few months and one was just completed that took 1.5 years. So 12345 does work and does guarantee positive results.

Work smarter, not harder! When one understands how to use the system it will produce positive results. A few well placed phone calls to the appropriate agencies will get immediate results (Even from Kunming to Guangzhou).

In my last residential quarter we found a pangolin in the courtyard. A nasty guy came with a bag with the intent to carry him off but I physically stopped him while my wife called the PO-lice and animal control.


Since Mr. Polar Bear is not in Kunming I have no idea how this issue can be resolved - it must be done by the people in GZ.

cloudtrapezer (756 posts) • 0

Doesn't take much to start a fight here, eh? Let's hope no cats get stuck up a tree outside Salvador's.

goldie122 (645 posts) • 0

@campo... What would you say was the biggest, most important issue that you were able to resolve using the Mayor hotline?

@Tony... so does this mean you will not be signing the petition?

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0

I had a pangolin in the back garden once.

I let it go on it's way. Don't know why there is a fascination with calling organisations to remove things.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Great. We all heard your opinions. Thanks for those and the history lesson. - Who was this sarcastic remark intended for? Before I answer any specific questions.

Because if you do not call an organization some jerk will either eat him, sell him or take him home as a pet - there is a reason for this fascination.

JanJal (1245 posts) • 0

And if the animal in question was indeed escapee from illegal operation, informing the authorities about it could lead to much bigger results than just second chance for the individual animal.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0

If this polar bear is removed (and it would be a very unreasonable peson who wouldn't like to see this happen) where is it going to go?

Polar bears are notoriously difficult to keep in captivity, because of the distances that they like to roam per day, the fact most are taken from the wild, and seasonal variations that are not avalable to them.

If it's going to be removed to be put in a zoo, what's the point? If it's going to be rescued to be 'put to sleep' why not just leave it where it is?

If it's to be released back to Russia or wherever it came from, good, that'll make a difference.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0

The animal I referred to was just wild, going about it's business - and that's how I left it.

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