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Africans are leaving

goldie122 (645 posts) • 0

From most of the black people I have worked with or befriended, China has been difficult for years. Difficulties finding employment and getting visas renewed.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Many spent their days hiding inside, afraid of being caught by the police with expired visas.

What? No need to hide if your visa is in order. This problem is caused because the people do not want to return to their home country. They prefer to remain in China (or anywhere) illegally rather than return to their native soil because conditions there are so bad.

Examples like this are great reminders of how blessed my (our) life really is.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0

I don't think they're leaving I think the wheat is being sorted from the chaff.

The Africans mentioned are those who struggle for employment in their home nations, usually young men and usually not from Southern Africa. They gather together the money needed maybe through family members, or though a loan shark, to cross to Europe or come to China, or have a stab at things in the middle east, because those places 'are paved with gold'.

When they get here they find out what we all know, that it is'nt. That if you are unskilled as many are, that there is no niesh for you to enter, that daily African struggles become daily Chinese/ Italian/ French/ Emerati struggles. That employers cant emplot you legally as you don't posess the skills, that they aren't willing to/ can't go through a visa procedure when there are locals willing to do the job. Their choices are then undercut locals and work illegally or turn to whatever means necessary in order not to have to go back home and explain to your family that they blew their money on you.

The pressures of African society, anyone who works usually supplies the whole extended family with money, means that they are often willing to take big risks to live up to their expectations. The foreign prison populations in Europe/ China/ Thailand and Saudi have tremendous African populations.

Those with a school leavers certificate / university degree find that Guinean/ Congolese qualifications are undesirable outside of their home nations. Let's face it, anyone who goes to Benin for the weekend could in theory return with a legitimate degree. In a market like Europe and China there are so many school leavers from better systems that African degrees become irrelevant.

This isnt a China/Africa phenomenon, this is something that has been in play since air travel became cheap enough that economically unsound people can chance their arm and pursue their dreams in another country. For every thousand there may be a few who succeed and bring in another 1000 chancers. These people aren't like the majority of us who have a chance in English teaching if everything else fails, they have'nt been offered jobs prior to arriving. They are economic migrants and part of the package is enduring the conditions that it entails. Most are hear purely as an alternative to Africa.

The skilled Africans are back home, making European salaries. They are in the hospitals of Europe or America. The entrepreneurs are all around the world, leaving Africa with a plan. The people with nothing to contribute are also in Europe, soon to be sent home when they will have a stab at China, then after no success maybe a trip to the UAE. They will live their lives as Economic gypsies and have little to show for it at the end of the day.

Huge people movement is a new stress on economies, not just Guangzhou, but Africa, who is loosing its population of young men.

Perhaps the 'countries without boarders brigade' should consider how an uneducated, displaced African, with no money, with a loose understanding of local customs and willingness to make money by any means, could benefit a society. As mentioned there will be a few, but for the majority it will end in tears, and the local populations will see that.

As Campo said, it should show you how lucky you are. If you feel you can change that situation, good luck, thousands have tried and I'm sure there will be charities that can take your money.

For Africans with skills China is a welcoming country, I have never encountered any grief getting a visa because there is always a job behind it. I have never encountered problems renting an apartment as I am not planning to fill it with 10 of my countrymen. I have not had problems with the police as everything has always been in order.

China is in a position to accept the people it needs and turn away those it doesnt, no matter how hard done to they may feel.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

Will Africa ever sort itself out? South America seems to have quit with the civil wars and military power grabs or president for life (except Venezuela). Can Africa do the same or another three decades from now, I'm still going to be reading about civil strife or tribal genocide and the subsequent famines and refugee crisis that those entail.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Yes, Africa can sort itself out, as soon as they throw out, imprison, or use apartheid against every single white person in the continent.

South America has quit its civil wars because the meddling from the USA has diminished. Thanks to Hugo Chavez and Rafael Correa. Cocaine has always been in use in the Andes for millenia but it has never been processed and abused until the US got involved. Andean countries should legalize their native plants and sell it abroad to all the drug using people who want it for a profit. No need for Opium or cocaine wars.

I have never heard of tribal genocide in Africa until the (colonists) white man got involved. Yes, there were tribal wars in the past but tribal genocide began when the whites stuck their big noses in.

The nerve of those Africans and South americans who want to keep their resources for themselves!!!

vicar (817 posts) • 0

HFCAMPO you bigoted, self righteous, obnoxious, racist, stereotyping git are a disgrace. Keep those racial attitudes to yourself. And get your facts right

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