GoKunming Forums

weather forecast

sanguojia (27 posts) • 0

I am traveling next month to Yunnan, to visit whole Region. I have heard about the floods in this Region. It is save to go?

JanJal (1244 posts) • 0

If you stick to the common tourist attractions, you should be safe.

But if you stay with local families in rural housing on a mountainside, or take car/bus rides in those places, it's another story. Really depends on the specific location.

In cities like Kunming it can occasionally flood some in summer, but it has mostly to do with urban development and water having no place to go. It rarely lasts long though.

If you have a complete itinerary, people here can give better advice.

Also weather forecasts are your friend. Get online frequently to check.

sanguojia (27 posts) • 0

The itinerary is Kunming-yuanyang-dali-lijiang-Leaping George-Shangrila.... I am bit scare cause I go on my own.
Thank you.

JanJal (1244 posts) • 0

Of your destinations, Tiger Leaping Gorge can be challenging if there happens to be heavy rain. Will you trek it on foot?

Yuanyang is out of season, so there may not be that many tourists there.

But all those other places will be crowded with Chinese tourists, since it is holiday season in schools. So in worst case scenario that something bad happens, at least you won't be alone. I understand that you can speak Chinese, so you should be fine.

lemon lover (1006 posts) • 0

Trekking Tiger Leaping Gorge by your own at any given time can be risky and especially during the rainy season.
However if you, like 99,9% of all tourist, just go on a daytrip from Lijiang to the Gorge there is absolutely no problem apart from traffic jams.
Yunnan is a big place so even if ten floods, mud and landslides do happen it is very unlikely that it will affect your travel.
Only places with a single road and no alternative road such as the upper Nujiang might cause problems. All the places you mentioned have multiple roads so should not be a problem.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

I think you're imagining the situation to be way more serious for a tourist like yourself than it is. Come make your trip.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

For your itinerary it will be safe. Mostly new roads. Probably the worst that could happen on that itinerary is the middle gorge of Tiger is blocked off due to landslide.

sanguojia (27 posts) • 0

Thank you very for all your Posts.
Hopefully the itinerary will go in a smoothly way.

Looking Forward to be over there.

sanguojia (27 posts) • 0

Thank you very for all your Posts.
Hopefully the itinerary will go in a smoothly way.

Looking Forward to be over there.

sanguojia (27 posts) • 0

Thank you very for all your Posts.
Hopefully the itinerary will go in a smoothly way.

Looking Forward to be over there.

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