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Advice on working as a tour guide for Spanish ppl

JanJal (1246 posts) • 0

So if you want to give warning to other people, you should start by warning against illegal employment in general rather than warning against specific (yet unnamed) illegal employer.

Lorena (58 posts) • 0

OK, you are evidently very bored, and I certainly wouldn't want to take this joy away from you, so go ahead: rant to your heart's content.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0


Ha.Ha. You have a good sense of humor. Since you're no longer here why not 'out' this bitch out. He.he. We wants names, location, company name NOW! Me escuchas? Orale! Andanle pues! Ha.ha.

Lorena (58 posts) • 0

Oh, you put me in a difficult position here... you know what my grandmother always used to say? "Se dice el pecado, no al pecador."
That being said, if you were to google Yunnan and, I don't know, maybe the word "travels" in Spanish (viajes, for those who are wondering), well... who knows what you would find ;-)

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

I liked reading your story and warning. Also, five years ago, there were probably more part time workers on tourist and student visas than work visas, so you weren't doing anything that wasn't the norm. Strange with these demands for you to name your former employer. Seems quite morbid.

goldie122 (645 posts) • 0

@Alex... yes, it is. And someone asking her to private message specific information about the person, its location, etc. What are you gonna do... go find her?

Lorena (58 posts) • 0

I think people are just curious, gossip is Kunming's number one sport, after all.
That being said, it's not like they are hiding, they have a webpage, so it doesn't really matter if I say it or not, you just have to google it.
In any case, thanks to everyone for reading.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

My questions were because I am genuinely interested in this topic. I do not use a VPN so I do not have google. Just wondering, you took the time to write this long message (advice - waring) and took the time to reply to all the ridiculous comments.

Can you just please give a link or name of the agency you worked for - past tense - worked - in the past - no longer in their employ.

Lorena (58 posts) • 0

You don't need google, I only used it as a verb, baidu would do just as well.

So, again, just search the words "yunnan" and "viajes", and you shall find.

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