GoKunming Forums

Long train ride

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

In my considerable experience on Chinese trains, the push-cart meals are almost always lousy.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

There is also the dining car. Pricing is very high and it's usually full, so probably not worth the effort anyways. I haven't bothered ordering at one, but the Chinese dishes did look average, making them 10x better by default than the crappy box meals.

Entertainment is probably more important than food. Bring games, tablets, mp3, podcasts, audiobooks, real books, and extra battery pack. Then bring something for the kids too :)

Noodley (26 posts) • 0

What's wrong with instant noodles? 1.5 billion Chinese people eat that on the train. Are you better than them?

Noodley (26 posts) • 0

So, you are hereby openly saying, that you, a white Westerner, are better than 1.5 billion Chinese people?

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