GoKunming Forums

The Last Hurrah

redjon777 (560 posts) • 0

Now, now people. No need to chip in with a defence ;) Appreciated it from tony.

One thing I will say is what happened to fun on forums, lets all be a little more light hearted :)

goldie122 (645 posts) • 0

It's difficult to be lighthearted when people get offended and feel attacked when they are challenged.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

5) Haters are gonna hate;
6) There's no use arguing with stupid;
7) Some idiots like to argue for the sake of arguing because they really have no life;

Thanks Tony for the reminder.

The Noodle King (54 posts) • 0

Yes, reiterate one of Tony's comments from the OP after 8 pages. That's brilliant!

You are just bumping this thread for no apparent reason other than adding fuel to the fire.

And .... because you have no life.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

"Tell us a story about the humans, Grampa. Please, please, prettyplease?"

"Well, my children, once upon a time, way back in the 21st Century, the horrible social machine that they had created for themselves began to produce a competitive individuality so narrow and insecure that, when modern electronic communication was first introduced, they could only turn inside themselves, and it turned out that their narcissism and paranoia had become so intense that everything anyone said was really spoken about himself – and, in a way, to himself. The whole universe awaited, but they ignored it, and even forgot it was there. But then small warm fuzzy creatures like ourselves, whose only function, for over a century, had been to be run over by their cars, rose up..."

goldie122 (645 posts) • 0

@Noodle... that is his usual MO...
Like another dead thread brought up again with a hehe? What is he like 6?

The Noodle King (54 posts) • 0

Very childish. Spot on. You got a good head on your shoulders, goldie.

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