GoKunming Forums

For annoyed parents

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

I really think it's selfish to not want China to become better and stronger.

Imagine one day, I am not talking about burgers and drinking cola.
But imagine, you have an accident and people are willing to help you, the ambulance will find it's way on time. Onlookers feel embarrassed and will be diverted by cops.

You will get the medicine you need and not the one that is most expensive. You can eat food from the market without much worries. Police and the law becomes more efficient and useful.

People treat each other with more respect, no spitting, or if necessary it's spit in a paper tissue [those damn things are around everywhere, and are wasted on much less useful stuff] or secretly in the bushes. The elevators are smoke free, the few people getting caught, are heavily fined, and the money spend in the healthcare system.

People listening to science rather than superstitious ancient believes.

All people have free healthcare, and less life-stress.etc....its a long list...but imagine,....would it really be sooooo BAD?
Do you really think China would lose it's charm?

I could still see panda's and rice terraces, and drink tea, and KTV, hotpots and all the great things about China, speak Chinese learn Chinese, Kungfu, Taiji, lean the Erhu, but don't you think that China would benefit fro this. Not in the sake for the laowai, take them out of the equation for a second but for Chinese, only for Chinese. I think they would like it, my Chinese friends would very much like it and China would not lose any of it's special charm.

I would really want that, not for me [only] but very much for my friends and family.

goldie122 (645 posts) • 0

I love China, have been here more than 10 years. It's not about negativity... it's just the truth and sometimes it sucks. It also helps the complainer (me on this thread) to complain about things, get other's insight and then feel better after hearing other experiences or their explanations. Maybe even their total lunacy making me realize that I am not the crazy one.

Bill Not William (4 posts) • 0

@Dudesons I know this sounds corny, but try to look at the situation from their perspective. Just as many of us view their 'traditional medicine' as backwards and way out-dated, they probably saw you as a chauvinistic foreigner who thinks that simply because you have done it this way your entire life you are right, and they are wrong. Many times, arguing against long-standing traditions is the same as using reason to argue against one's faith—It simply doesn't work, because faith is not based on reason. These traditions and rituals have been around for so long, that even though in many cases modern science has proven better ways to live, the people simply won't have it. Your concerns for the children, though good-intentioned, will always fall on deaf ears when it comes to questioning these aspects of Chinese culture. It is best to take a breath, clench your fists, and move on without wasting the time or energy.

One-Hit Wonder (89 posts) • 0

"People listening to science rather than superstitious ancient believes."

But I'm fascinated with superstition. And who are you to decide that it should be removed from culture?

And bad news: half of science is bullshit. Like Stephen Hawking claiming he has the science to prove God doesn't exist, for instance.

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

Get your real picture somewhere in the middle. I am Capt. Complain you are Capt. Chinerica, we have the same rank, so no need for formalities...lol

So you say you see it all positive, and say I see it all negative, do you really think I go to bed hating China. Hell no.
For two reason, first I am telling about things I see, hear and read, that doesn't mean it's everywhere, but it means that there is an acceptance to the bad things I see. Acceptance will only change when, new ways and solutions are available. So when I am down or having China blues, I think of all the awesome stuff and great people I have in China. So things are always in the middle somewhere, and everything always turns out alright. Not always brilliantly but alright, right?

Secondly, I don't want the bad stuff to tear me down, than I would lose against an invisible, invincible enemy, but that enemy can only win, if I play his game. I am not miserable. You guys have no idea. And to a very high degree, it's because I have you guys. When I don't have anyone to rant about at that time, I can go to gokunming, and let it all out, people accuse me of this, I will accuse people of that, but than I will find my grip again, get it out of my system, center somewhere in the middle and all is good.

But I think people deserve to know both sides, about a place. The good and the bad, I would do the same to my own country as well. Why not. I am not married to my country. IF they suck, ...and they do at a lot of things,....people should shout it out loud.

goldie122 (645 posts) • 0

@Dudeson... start a thread so we can debate the good and bad things in our home countries... or any country. Then mickey can see how everyone can complain and defend every country.

Haali (1178 posts) • 0

Well said Dudeson.

One-Hit, its safe to assume that Stephen Hawking is a lot smarter than you.

The culture has it's problems. I think the main underlying problem which allows all the bad things to happen is the lack of interventionism on the part of both ordinary people and those in uniform.

As for the topic, clothing should be suitable for the temperature and conditions. Foreigners, especially those from colder climates, can often be seen wearing what I would consider to be insufficient clothing. Clearly you should not wear too much or too little if you care about your health. In my school the classrooms can get very warm between May and September. Some students complain about the heat whilst wearing jackets and trousers. Some silly parents try to stop me using the fans, saying that it will make the students sick. As in all things, the sensible people have to make their voices heard over the lunatics.

One-Hit Wonder (89 posts) • 0


I don't like everything about China but neither do I sit around thinking about all the worst parts of its culture day in and day out.

I had a fantastic day today. Peaceful, quiet, just the way I like it.

But then I come on here and find myself sucked into people's negativity like a black hole.

What is this accomplishing exactly other than disrupting my peace of mind?

You sound like you're on a crusade to change China. Who the hell do you think is reading your posts that you think is going to make such a difference? Are all the spitters out there taking English classes now so they can come on here and realize that maybe spitting is 'of the devil' and they need to change their wicked ways?

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

Yep that's what I am doing about health advice for our kid. I know what they going to say and I give them my memorized speech and see them scratch their heads. Works for me. I don't mind that, it doesn't hurt me or trouble me.I think it's silly, and they think it's silly, I drag my kid less to the doctor than they do, so we are all good.

See for you it's bullshit, for people relying on science it's not.

About the Hawking god theory. Can you proof it's not true. What is god? A grumpy old bloke punishing people, or an energy, a combination of all humans combined?

What is your right to keep superstitions? You don't practice them, yourself right? Isn't that selfish?
Is China some kind of Zoo-experiment for you?
I don't have a right to keep it but I also don't have the right no not tell someone what I learned or know.

So you can enjoy a better life [although you are fascinated] by it but you wouldn't let others suffer, so you can enjoy them, right?

What if a Chinese person would want to smoke cry. m.e.t.h. after someone tells him it's tobacco. Out of habit, in one of his bongs, he wants to try, the new flavour. Would you tell him, what it does, and what it is? By Chinese culture you shouldn't ...face loss of his friend. By law you should prevent it, it's a crime?

The Flash (11 posts) • 0

I have been a long-time lurker here, and made this account specifically to reply to a post that I saw earlier today, and will post later depending on how much attention it gets. I know that introduction is unnecessary and is neither here nor there, but that being said, I agree with Haali 100%. I look forward to further discussions on this website. Also, goldie122, thanks for making the rest of us feel sane, and great analogy with the mother-in-laws haha!

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