GoKunming Forums

Visa question S -Visa

fixitwithahammer (165 posts) • 0

Has anyone applied for a marriage/family visa, of the S-category?

What documents are required for the application?

We got different word from the officers at the PSB, about what to bring.

I'd be grateful for your help.

Thank you.

Hotwater (205 posts) • 0

Search these forums. I'm sure this topic and the recent requirements were discussed not long ago.

zhudan (204 posts) • 0

If you're on a z visa now and teaching you will need a separatin letter from your school or job. That is often not mentioned in document lists but you will need it for sure.

zhudan (204 posts) • 0

Correct. You can only teach on a Z visa legally. If you are caught working on a spousal visa in the current climate in China you will be arrested, fined about 3 to 4 thousands dollars (not rmb) and deported. you will not be able to even apply to return to China for at least three years and you will not be able to travel to any other country for the rest of your life as you will have an immigration violation on your visa/passport records.

Some people are not aware that this happening in China and that there is in fact a quota of foreign teachers to be deported that must be met. am on the spousal visa and do not work. It is is frustrating but it is how it is.

Also if your wife's hukou is Kunming it is not an issue in that department, but if it is another city it can be a hassle. Not anything that stops the process, but creates a hurdle. You will have to go to her city to get the visa. While their a form that allows her to be a temporary resident of KM it does not become active for 6 months from the time it is issued. She would also have to change some information on her Chinese ID card, shenzhengfen or something like that. It can only be updated in her hometown. This has become a real glitch for us. My wife's houkou and in Shanghai and and it takes forever for them to process stuff like this. She still has to go back to do something. But if your wife is KM based not a big issue. And some people just do the visa in their wife's hometown while visiting the in-laws. I think I can get better options in Shanghai than KM for now and last time got a 2 year visa with no medical check.

to avoid the medical check you get a visa one day short of a year.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

M = Business
F = Scientific, cultural, athletic and educational.
R1 = long-term - professional worker
R2 = short-term - professional worker
PR = Permanent Residence
RP = Residence Permit
X1 = Long-term study.
X2 = Short-term study.
Z1 = More than 90 days - Work.
Z2 = Less than 90 days - Work.

One-Hit Wonder (89 posts) • 0

S = Superman Visa

They give you that when you go 3 consecutive days without complaining

Hotwater (205 posts) • 0

Have you purposely left S1 & S2 off your list HFCAMPO? Long term and short term family reunion? What's the point you are trying to make?

Yes the OP should be referring to an RP but it's an RP based on the S1 visa rules.

Why not just give advice instead of trying to score points?

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