GoKunming Forums

Just jump!

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

nothing to do with jumping. just same old conversation pissing contest between the same old usual suspects

One-Hit Wonder (89 posts) • 0

I agree that it's annoying when Matt has come on here and tells people they should like the local food and never complain about anything and never eat at Taco Bell.

But that's now what I'm doing.

I'm just debating. Zhudan claims all Chinese people are barbaric. And anyone who questions this is a cultural snob? I'm exercising my right to point out the fallacy of his thinking and the fallacy of his character.

zhudan comes on here with brash, forceful, insulting comments and then cries like a baby when someone challenges him? gimme a break.

Do live your life the way you want. But on a public forum others have the right to challenge your opinions.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0


You've been in a couple yourself.

I'd imagine when someone who in other posts has called themselves an educator and someone who you would imagine is an adult, comes out with drivel like that, it justifies a response? no?

One-Hit Wonder (89 posts) • 0

"In Africa the people even eat food with their dirty fingers. disgusting really. I guess some Tex-Mex food can be eaten with fingers, but it is not the same thing since Tex-Mex food is far beyond anything in Africa for taste and quality. "

That doesn't make any sense. Either eating with your hands is a dirty disgusting habit or it isn't. Make up your mind. What does the quality of the food have anything to do with it?

What a damn fool you are.

You accidentally reveal how much you enjoy eating with your hands, but then realized it contradicted your thesis that Africans are all uncivilized barbarians, so you tripped all over yourself with your bullshit.

Nice job.

mickeyh (119 posts) • 0

Zhudan is a racist: the truth is out now. This is why some people here have a problem with the 24/7 whinefest and complainers party that GoKunming has become. Zhudan is the ultimate end of the whiners and complainers: a miserable, racist jerk who compares his fellow human beings to garbage and pigs. While I am not Matt, I am actually honored now that Zhudan does not like me: I am proud to be disliked by such an angry, racist jerk.

zhudan (204 posts) • 0

@napolean You make some good points. I guess. I wasn't about to read all of that. I rather skimmed it since it is the same stuff you always post. But the points I read seemed, well, good. I will be the first to admit the great, number ONE in the history of the world nation of America has issues and problems. Heck, I even admit I may have a problem or two simply because I am an American myself.

But, and I understand this, your bitter rantings are the same sort of bitter, cry baby points made by jealous people all over the world who come from some dirty backwards place like, for example, Africa. Mind you my good man that what we are comparing here is a country the USA, granted a large country, to an entire continent. To imagine that every nation in an entire continent is so backwards and leads the world in illiteracy and various diseases developed countries are surprised to hear even exist still is...well... amazing to say the least. In that sense Africa is astounding, I agree.

Is it true that some people in Africa are so ignorant as to believe that raping a small virgin girl will cure them of AIDS?

It is pretty common for people who come from places like this to rile up against better countries like the USA. Of course there are other great countries too, Canada, Britain, the Scandinavian nations, Germany, France and... lemme think... Australia? Nah, not Australia. But those others ones are the best in the entire world, as you are well aware. Of course the best of that group is the US. I have a link here somewhere supporting that opinion. when I find it and post it here you will not be able to refute my arguments in face of such a link.

But I know Nap, I know how it is. Coming from places where people are uneducated and backwards and lacking in the basics of human cleanliness and dignity and you develop some affinity to this place and feel really jealous and bitter that there is a place like the US to over shadow the sewer world you grew up in and that no one was even heard of or cares about.

Typical dialog:

>"Hey, did you read in the the paper about the latest famine/epidemic/genocide/child rape and murder/violence towards women and children/extremist Islamic activity/monkey meat buffet going on in _______ (fill in with name of unknown African nation, or just say Africa since it is the same situation everywhere)?"

>"Nah, I don't care' whats going on in America today?"

That happens all the time, even on this forum. Matt Miller cannot stop about America actually, or Alien. They are being insulting, of course, but they are still talking about the world of the USA, not Gambia or Chad or Boogabooga Land. And by the way, there is a Boogabooga Land. I have a link confirming that.

So, yea buddy. I can take it. what you dish out. I really can. I am not upset. Why would I be? I am from America and you are from (or where did you, as a white dude, reside in Africa again? Zuluville or some place like that?) so I can understand why you'd get your feathers in an infantile ruffle and need to send me a dissertation, well written by the way, on the scourges of Amerika the Evil Empire. All I can say is I feel you brother, your shame and humiliation. Thank God we have young, educated white people -and a few Mexicans too- from my country who come to your entire continent and try to help out by handing out fly swatters and Big Macs. Nations that are advanced economically and culturally often have the resources to do that for entire continents that are still (hehehehe) developing. Some day China may do things like that, but it is still (hehehehe) developing too :) But, it should be caught up to the US one day, I agree with that. Maybe in a few thousand years and after a meteor has landed in the middle of America and decimated it, then... maybe.

it s all good dude. If it makes you feel better to tear America apart, I can understand. Go for it. I am sure if you looked at Mt Everest it wold be easy to start kicking over rocks to find like bugs and announce "stop looking at that Mountain and focus on this dirty little bug!" I should be more understanding. Your fit is borne out of jealousy that you, an educated bloke, comes from some backwater hell hole no one can even remember the name of, so we just say Africa. Then we are right, since every place on the map there is also a back water hell hole. You just feel flustered and cheated. I can dig it. well, I gotta go finish this article on the genocide that has been going on unabated in The Democratic Republic of the Congo for decades basically. You know about that? Barbarism in its purest form.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

zhudan, you have a problem or two because you are human. being american has notihing to do withy it. micky we are all racist/tribalist/otherist, because we are human, it is in our dna to be so. society teaches us to put our prejudices race/color/creed asside. people succeed to a greater or lesser degree we have good days and bad days. countries succeed to a greater or lesser degree. if they dont meet our standards we judge them. that is you/me/and every other homosapien.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0


You've proved you can dish it and take it. Good lad.

Wide of the mark in some of your last post but no denying you may have hit one or two nails on the head.


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