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Just jump!

One-Hit Wonder (89 posts) • 0


bernie madoff cheating people on wall street is also behaving like a savage. there are savages everywhere.

not all the onlookers were screaming 'jump'. if that was the case, then you could generalize it to everyone.

so ... i'm chalking this one up to the "lone savage", not culture.

zhudan (204 posts) • 0

I will reply to Alien but I cannot reply to Matt Miller as I stated in another post;

@alien Why you say I am wrong dude? When i posted that I was hoping that you would see I was trying, trying to be smart like you. But you always shoot me down and i have a huge hole in my soul, because you have that power over people. I wanna be right all the time like you, but j guess I will never make it :(

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Zhudan: "...just how self centered,backwards and barbaric most Chinese people are. I assume it is just part of their Chinese culture to be such Neanderthals and ignorant goons..." That's where you're wrong.

"...so I am not passing judgement". But it seems to me that you are passing judgement, not on the people who told the woman to jump, but on all of Chinese culture.

zhudan (204 posts) • 0

Wow man, you're right! Mr Alien sir. that is what you brainiacs call a contradiction. i guess that is why i look up to up the way s snail looks up to Albert Einstein. Better keep on my toes with you reading my posts. You flattened me again.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0

Unless you've been there then you wouldn't understand.

Many years ago in another Chinese city I was staying; a woman climbed up to the top of an electric pole outside Carrefore as I came out from doing my shopping.

The police arrived and the woman wouldn't budge. A crowd, including me, watched on.

It was a good half hour, maybe more and nothing had changed. The woman was still at the top, not jumping, not climbing down, All the while my bags of shopping are getting heavier and I was meeting someone for dinner later that evening, time was fleeting.

I don't remember anyone shouting anything to be honest, but as the sun began to set it became more and more difficult to stare, as I hadn't brought my sun glasses.

Eventually the frustration will get the better of you and you will just want to shout ''For f++k's sake, jump off or climb down, I've got better things to be doing than watch you sitting at the top of a pilon for a bit of attention, I haven't even shaved yet and I have to be at dinner by 6''

If I remember correctly the husband turned up and the fire brigade got her down. Waste of an hour of two, could't even get a taxi, as they closed the road off.

It was like watching an episode of 'Take your Pick' and instead of opening the box, they decided to stick with what they had - A non event for viewers.

Before judging; put yourself in the position of the spectator.

zhudan (204 posts) • 0

If the spectator is a barbaric pig I have a hard time putting myself in their place. Some people seem to be able to though. But it is mostly a culture thing anyway. That explains it I am sure. People who have resided in more backwards and primitive and dirty cultures like those found in places like, let's say, Africa may be able to identify with types of feelings. Of spectators feeling ripped off because some one did not jump. It is common for people from such miserable places to have this hardened outlook.

But the real reason this was posted by Matt Miller in the guise of OHW was to elicit negative comments about China from foreigners and then begin yet another boring and insipid thread about how narrow minded and racist foreigners in China are. A troll posts articles of this nature with the sole purpose of generating comments and opinions of a critical nature waiting with baited breathe for the ones he in opposition to and then his true colors show.

One-Hit Wonder (89 posts) • 0

I'm not Matt. Matt doesn't have a monopoly on thinking that many expats are narrow-minded and racist. But enough about me. Let's talk about you.

And anyway, why does everyone hate Matt so much and now me? Could it be because people like you, zhudan, are in denial? And then when people like Matt or me or whoever points it out, you'd rather kill the messenger than deal with reality?

I mean, let's face it. Is it normal for someone to willingly spend their entire life living in a country he considers "a miserable backward place where everyone is a barbarian"? Who is forcing you to stay in a place that is making you miserable and that you think is a big pile of shit?

Did someone put a gun to your head to come to China? No. You made the decision. Are you willing to admit to yourself and be honest that you made a bad decision?

Are you trapped here beyond your will? Is somebody putting a gun to your head to stay here? No. Let's face it. You cannot grow a pair of balls and sort things out to repatriate back to your country or do anything to solve your issues.

Are you willing to consider that maybe you being miserable has a lot to do with you and not China? But it's easier to blame China for all your problems rather than take responsibility, right?

Did you bother learning how to cook while you were in China since the food is crap? Nah, that would be too too much trouble. That might require being proactive in solving your problems. It's much easier to go on Gokunming and poison everybody else with your negativity and whine like a little bitch and keep insulting people.

I was on a plane and I had to suffer some guy from Costa Rica complaining how much he hates Americans because when they travel to his country all they do is bitch and complain and belittle the locals.

While you're busy hating people like Matt and me, believe me the locals are busy hating people like you who do nothing but bitch and complain and belittle everyone with your stupid uneducated arrogance.

And you're a low-life for attacking people because they come from Africa now.

zhudan (204 posts) • 0

I cannot respond to points made in the last post directly as they were written by Matt Miller and i do not want to respond to his postings, but at the end a good point was brought up about Africa.

Yea, it is just my opinion and I may possibly be wrong but Africa is basically a smelly, disgusting sewer. IMHO. And most (not 100%) people who come out of there have the primitive mind set of people who have been living in a dirty sewer all their lives. I met some white folk from South Africa and their unabashed racism made the KKK look pretty civilized.

As for the indigenous peoples of Africa themselves, well, I guess it is just a culture thing -and I am not a culture expert like Alien and Matt Miller- but they all think and behave like savages, brutes. But if one exists in a rancid culture of brutish ignorance then one's outlook and actions with be shaped by that low quality existence. So, it is just a culture deal and I guess it is okay. They cannot help it. They do not know better, like many people in China who spit all day long. In Africa the people even eat food with their dirty fingers. disgusting really. I guess some Tex-Mex food can be eaten with fingers, but it is not the same thing since Tex-Mex food is far beyond anything in Africa for taste and quality. I read somewhere they may get some Taco Bells in Africa soon and I think this could really help the people there raise their sense of civility and culture. I hope so, something needs to help the poor devils.

The best thing that has ever happened for Africa is America and Northern Europe's involvement in its affairs. Introducing advanced western culture into any developing nation is going to help of course, we can all agree on that. Look at how it has helped Costa Rica for example. Sadly now China is becoming more and more involved in Africa's affairs and, well, what can one say... a sewer trying to flush out a sewer. Won't work.

tallamerican (396 posts) • 0

I like living in Kunming and China, what i do not like is people who are critical of how we choose to live our lives and sometimes cope with not always perfect living conditions.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0


You can dish it out so I presume you can take it.

Let me do what your American education didn't and teach you a few things about your last post.

For starters it was pretty rude and radiated the ignorance of your average small town seppo.

America has contributed very little advantageous situations on the CONTENENT of Africa. Luckily Africa seems to have escaped your county's appallingly hypocritical, ill devised and poorly executed foreign policy. However when it does reach African shores it usually follows suit.

EG Liberia (Taylor, he was one of yours), Tigre and Eritrea in the last 20 years.

In Zimbabwe we had the American armchair experts judging from Bumsfuck, Idaho, protesting outside the embassy. People like yourself, desperate to show their ignorance to get across their completely irrelevant message and make themselves feel important after a lifetime being told what they thought mattered above all else and all others. Every American is an expert.

Then after your lot interfering in our war, your gifts of guns killing many people I happend to know where decent human beings, and deciding that you will bring about economic sanctions - Don't worry, that didn't stop you from teaming up with rebels and stealing all the iron ore and tin (That you never paid for).

Then, after fair and free elections you decided that this was not in my countries best interests and would prefer uncle Bob.

After promising the world after Bob became president you then swiftly withdrew, when Bob showed a sniff of socialism and doing what was right for the majority. Of course you made sure you got your phosphorous before you pulled out.

When Britain pulled out of the land reform programme in you popped again and before you know it land is being taken from it's owners.

Now things have swinged again and you're waiting for old Bobby to cark it, that's no way to treat an old friend.

As for Barbariciam, Zimbabwe enjoys a job security, welfare and medical system, that considering it's means should put your greedy lot to shame. We send our children to schools knowing that they won't get shot by a mummy's boy on an attention fuelled spree. We can walk the streets at night in safety, having a relatively low crime rate (Not so over our border mind). I can live in China and despite all the greed of your typical African dictator, he doesn't want tax if I am not in his jurisdiction.

We manage all this on a pittance of Americas wealth. Hardly barbaric.

African beliefs. There was a story in the Herald last year about someone who had told a small village's head that if they all bathed in the water of a stream that he could take them to, that God would wash away their AIDS. It'll come as a shock to you that the man was an American missionary, and of course he needed some money to disclose where the magic stream was. Fancy a first world country having such third world minds.

Taco Bell will not be coming to Zimbabwe any time soon. Egypt maybe, but nowhere south of the Sahara. We can go down to the Spar and get things to eat. There's a fish and chip shop in my town if I needed.

African's eat with their fingers, yes. So DO AMERICANS! watch an American eat a burger, then compare with a European. What's the Yanks excuse?

We have our native people on the land, we did poison them, marry them off to our own folk, put them in reservations and feed them beer for breakfast. Surely an act of barbaracy if ever their was one.
People in glass houses and all.

I suppose all of this rage comes from your 'civilized' country being ran by one of your 'barbarian' Africans?

Or does it stem from pure American ignorance for anywhere outside of their front door step?

It's easy when you've been told America is 'special' to make a judgement from your armchair, sister on your knee, burito juice on your chin, chin on your chest. However, once your views are aired outside 'Merica they start to fall apart and it becomes evident what a backwards shithole Bumfuck, Idaho must be, to all but the yank.

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