GoKunming Forums

Your overall China/Kunming experience?

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0


1. The Gulou Hipsters
2. The Wudaokou Students
3. The English Teachers
4. The iBankers
5. The Yuppies
6. The Worn Out Junkies
7. The Righteous Fighters
8. The Glamorous Asians
9. The Sinofied Foreigners
10. The Functional Alcoholics
11. The Shameless Freeloaders
12. The Professional Laowai Person
13. The Grizzled Veterans
14. The unemployable loser laowai in China.

Thanks, I added the new stereotype to the list.

zhudan (204 posts) • 0

I like how some people here with their elevated perceptions and deep understandings of life and the world can tolerate and even defend peeing, pooping, spitting in public places and all other manner of barbaric behavior and yet cannot bear with the idea that a foreigner might want to eat a cheeseburger once or twice a month.

I have a notion that people like this suffer from a superiority complex. of course people with this sort of problem would deny it outright. They of course feel superior to other foreigners, but they in fact feel totally superior to the local people whose atrocious behaviors they excuse as they have an understanding of cultural difference other foreigners lack. They truth is they grant or bestow this understanding on the "primitives" they deal with in order to feel they possess insight and some sort of anthropological understanding other foreigners lack, those who are repelled by the site of a child pooping on the sidewalk while they try to eat. By bestowing upon these savages (and they actually see them as savages themselves) understanding while at the same time condemning almost all things foreign as cultural erosion they see themselves as some type of vanguard of vanishing culture and tradition. If you hate snot on your restaurant floor then just back to your own country. They are all the ore content to sit back and watch the show and think "I have an understanding of all this, I am special. I am one with this culture. I defend pooping and peeing in public and chastise those who eat a Big mac even once a year. I am awesome and above all of that. I am enlightened and I must go to GoKunming and further puff up my feathers with my brilliant postings that deride phony baloney foreign things while promoting the curious ways and customs of the culture I have designated myself the anthropological curator and protector of."

Total narcissism.

zhudan (204 posts) • 0

16. The doof balls who label all other laowai with doof ball labels thinking they are not included in the lot.

One-Hit Wonder (89 posts) • 0

HFCAMPO, you created that last category for me? Thanks!

Zhudan, how many times do you need to point out that locals like to spit? I'm guessing that you've pointed it out at least a dozen times on the forum now?

Reading this forum, someone who doesn't live in China might get the impression that Chinese people do nothing but spit all day long.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

17. The I got the yellow fever and I'm gonna get me some of that putang.

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

The spitting thing was in a travel guide, from 1997, they called it a Chinese "Volkssport".

Yeah it is internationally known, that is why the Chinese government, is so nice and tries to promote better manners, in an outside of China.

And why is getting rid of that habit, soooooooooo bad? In my opinion Chinese will still be interesting and exciting without crisscrossing around flying phlegm.

I could think of a hundred ways to get rid of your phlegm, without making it a performance and hazard for everyone else.

I often walk by a school, on my way home form work. And when old grandpa's spitting that 'da xiong mao' cigarrette they had in 1963, on the ground, -even the kids look at them with disgust.

All the spit is terrible but not the worst, in my opinion.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

mickeyh = miller
one-hit wonder = Campo

Enjoy the pantomime.

One-Hit Wonder (89 posts) • 0

No, you're right Dudeson. Chinese people do NOTHING but spit all day long. They don't go to work.

I cannot remember the last time I noticed any spitting. I'm sure it must still be going on, but I really haven't noticed. I guess I have thoughts in my mind that are more important that are preoccupying me.

The only thing that keeps drawing my attention to the spitting is reading this forum.

And not to take anything away from your negative experiences in China, but would it be safe to assume that you're using the forum as a way to vindicate yourself?

So therefore blowing bad local habits preposterously out of proportion and ONLY focusing on bad habits?

I mean, this forum is mental illness talking about spitting all the time.

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